BE image Berlin


Discord logo color BREXIT#0601
Twitter logo
Twitch logo purple
Twitch logo purple
peach image
He/Him Gender pronouns
2 Best rank
88 Wins
83 Losses
1685 Points
Advanced Self assessment
51.46 % Win/Loss
A large amount Experience


Come to my weekly tournament in Berlin: #BREXITSUMMIT

Past Tournaments 2022

Smash&Chill "Reloaded" #2 Wikingerufer 9A 20th
BREXIT SUMMIT #75 Berlin 4th
Boot Up Series #3 Tiefwerderweg 28 13th
BREXIT SUMMIT #74 Berlin 13th
BREXIT SUMMIT #73 Berlin 9th
BREXIT SUMMIT #72 Berlin 5th
RCADIA SMASH 2 Oberer Landweg 27 65th
BREXIT SUMMIT #71 Berlin 9th
BREXIT SUMMIT #70 Berlin 9th
Boot Up Series #2 Tiefwerderweg 28 9th
BREXIT SUMMIT #69 Berlin 7th
VirtuaSmash #19 Kleine Burg 15 33rd
BREXIT SUMMIT #68 Berlin 2nd
BREXIT SUMMIT #67 Berlin 13th
Brexit Summit Mini 4th

Past Tournaments 2021

Smash&Chill "Reloaded" #1 20th
Boot Up Series: The Beginning 17th
DATEV Ultimate Series - Conquest (Circuit Final) 65th
DATEV Ultimate Series - Prelude #5 33rd
Smash Contest: DoKomi 2021 65th

Past Tournaments 2020

DUST #2 - Rush B 17th
LVL- World of Gaming Special CSD Smash 17th
Smash&Chill Vol. 17 13th
Final Smash DNA 25th
Dreamhack Leipzig 2020 33rd
Smash DNA 5 Reloaded | Misfits alienwarecenter for esports 7th

Past Tournaments 2019

Super Smash DNA 2 13th
Smash & Chill Vol. 15 33rd
Smash DNA 4 @Misfits Gaming Alienware Center 13th
Smashwick #4 65th
Smash DNA @Misfits #3 17th
Super Smash DNA 25th
Smash & Chill Vol. 11 17th
Going Ham #1 49th
VirtuaSmash #5 17th
Smash DNA 7th
VirtuaSmash #4 25th
Smashwick #3 17th
VirtuaSmash #2 13th
PPW #4 9th
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