
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
isabelle icon steve icon samus icon
Advanced None -
link icon pyra_and_mythra icon zelda icon
Noob None -
dark_pit icon king_k_rool icon king_dedede icon
Advanced Some -
dr_mario icon mewtwo icon
Doing okay None -
cloud icon wolf icon
Intermediate A little 22.22 %
link icon pikachu icon
Noob Some 16.67 %
A$AP Voffi
link icon cloud icon
Advanced A lot 61.82 %
TGM | Acik
ike icon
Doing okay A large amount 69.3 %
ness icon roy icon jigglypuff icon
Intermediate None -
king_k_rool icon jigglypuff icon byleth icon
Advanced None -
SG | AdriBadri
lucario icon
Doing okay A little -
wolf icon joker icon
Doing okay None -
peach icon daisy icon
Doing okay None -
jigglypuff icon ganondorf icon
Advanced Some -
sheik icon marth icon captain_falcon icon
Intermediate None -
EWI ECR | Akamask
wolf icon min_min icon
Doing okay A large amount 6.8 %
inkling icon
Intermediate None -
sephiroth icon sheik icon olimar icon
Intermediate None -
meta_knight icon
Expert A lot -
byleth icon ganondorf icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
diddy_kong icon lucas icon lucina icon
Advanced A lot 59.18 %
pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A large amount 36.97 %
cloud icon pyra_and_mythra icon palutena icon
Intermediate Some 37.93 %
incineroar icon
Advanced A large amount 12.5 %
[ND] | Anubeon
corrin icon roy icon pikachu icon
Intermediate A little 9.09 %
lucina icon pyra_and_mythra icon byleth icon
Doing okay A large amount 46.95 %
bowser icon captain_falcon icon cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
link icon
Intermediate None -
joker icon sheik icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay None -
joker icon terry icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
king_k_rool icon piranha_plant icon rob icon
Intermediate None -
joker icon cloud icon
Intermediate A little -
TSM | Arcn
greninja icon sonic icon
Doing okay A large amount 59.66 %
kazuya icon cloud icon mario icon
Expert None -
fox icon
Advanced A large amount 53.62 %
HIVE | Asia☆Box
bowser icon samus icon
Intermediate Some 40.74 %
bowser icon zelda icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced None -
Auricol | Duncαn
lucario icon
Intermediate Some -
kazuya icon king_k_rool icon little_mac icon
Advanced None -
roy icon corrin icon
Doing okay A little -
toon_link icon wolf icon cloud icon
Advanced Some 63.64 %
rosalina_and_luma icon bowser icon
Intermediate Some -
inkling icon
Advanced A large amount 70.15 %
inkling icon inkling icon inkling icon
Intermediate A large amount 59.71 %
KC | BaitsDaDust
roy icon shulk icon
Doing okay A lot 8.33 %
Keins | Bananelekr
little_mac icon jigglypuff icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced None -
TGM | Bankai
lucas icon
Intermediate A lot 63.24 %
dr_mario icon link icon
Advanced A large amount 56.0 %
inkling icon donkey_kong icon
Advanced A large amount 46.51 %
jigglypuff icon cloud icon
Doing okay None -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
isabelle icon 1daysmashgoat RP image Rhineland Palatinate 14 Male
link icon 1Person17 BY image Bavaria 20 Male
dark_pit icon 25.01.2007 BW image Baden-Württemberg 17 Male
dr_mario icon 2fast NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 15 Male
cloud icon 4rne HE image Hesse 17 Male
link icon 76_jOKER BW image Baden-Württemberg 31 Male TTV Streamer
link icon A$AP Voffi NI image Lower Saxony 25 Male
ike icon TGM | Acik RP image Rhineland Palatinate 23 Male Ehrenhesse
ness icon adamzik NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male genieß dein leben fr
king_k_rool icon Adem NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male
lucario icon SG | AdriBadri 19 Male
wolf icon Aeshma999 HH image Hamburg 28 Male
peach icon Afrocommie BE image Berlin 23 Male
jigglypuff icon Agonios BW image Baden-Württemberg 20 Male
sheik icon Ainharjar SN image Saxony 20 Male SSBM >>>
wolf icon EWI ECR | Akamask NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male
inkling icon Alartro HE image Hesse 18 Male
sephiroth icon aleksz BY image Bavaria 24 Male 369
meta_knight icon Alöl BW image Baden-Württemberg 21 Male
byleth icon Alpha NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male
diddy_kong icon Ambrow NI image Lower Saxony Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Ani4Real NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 27 Female Hallo, ich bin Ani vier Echt. Wenn du im Raume Köln Event...
cloud icon Anikai BE image Berlin 22 Male Ich bin einer der besten polnischen Spieler, und ich wohn...
incineroar icon anima NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male Der (hoffentlich) beste Fuegro des Nordens.
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon BE image Berlin 22
lucina icon ApeX NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male
bowser icon Apollo RP image Rhineland Palatinate 24 Male
link icon APX BY image Bavaria 32 Male
joker icon AQUA GRAVE NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
joker icon Aquario NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
king_k_rool icon arbi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male
joker icon Arceus NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Werd vielleicht bald wieder aktiver in der Szene.
greninja icon TSM | Arcn BY image Bavaria 30 Male
kazuya icon Aryzent HE image Hesse 24 Male
fox icon Ashman HH image Hamburg 25 Male
bowser icon HIVE | Asia☆Box BW image Baden-Württemberg 28 Male
bowser icon Asuki RP image Rhineland Palatinate 20 Male Bin immer gerne für paar Runden offen.
lucario icon Auricol | Duncαn NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 33 Male
kazuya icon Aviixx 16 Male You can do whatever you want as long as you put your hear...
roy icon ayron NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 15 Male
toon_link icon Azrael BY image Bavaria 19 Male
rosalina_and_luma icon Babange BY image Bavaria 19 Male
inkling icon Bailong BY image Bavaria 21 Male
inkling icon Bair! BW image Baden-Württemberg 22 Male
roy icon KC | BaitsDaDust NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Hey, ich bin Baits! Ich streame auf Twitch! https://www.t...
little_mac icon Keins | Bananelekr NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
lucas icon TGM | Bankai RP image Rhineland Palatinate 23 Male
dr_mario icon Bansai NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male Frame 3 Up b
inkling icon bBelcampo HH image Hamburg 26 Male
jigglypuff icon bckstpz SH image Schleswig Holstein 20 Male
Gamer tag Roles
isabelle icon 1daysmashgoat Player
link icon 1Person17 Player
dark_pit icon 25.01.2007 Player
dr_mario icon 2fast Player
cloud icon 4rne Player
link icon 76_jOKER Player
link icon A$AP Voffi Player
ike icon TGM | Acik Player
ness icon adamzik Player
king_k_rool icon Adem Player
lucario icon SG | AdriBadri Player
wolf icon Aeshma999 Player
peach icon Afrocommie Player
jigglypuff icon Agonios Player Streamer
sheik icon Ainharjar Player
wolf icon EWI ECR | Akamask Player Team manager
inkling icon Alartro Player
sephiroth icon aleksz Player
meta_knight icon Alöl Content creator Designer Player Streamer
byleth icon Alpha Player
diddy_kong icon Ambrow Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Ani4Real Player
cloud icon Anikai Player
incineroar icon anima Player
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon Player
lucina icon ApeX Player
bowser icon Apollo Player
link icon APX Player
joker icon AQUA GRAVE Player
joker icon Aquario Player
king_k_rool icon arbi Player
joker icon Arceus Player
greninja icon TSM | Arcn Player
kazuya icon Aryzent Player
fox icon Ashman Player
bowser icon HIVE | Asia☆Box Player
bowser icon Asuki Player
lucario icon Auricol | Duncαn Player
kazuya icon Aviixx Player
roy icon ayron Player
toon_link icon Azrael Player
rosalina_and_luma icon Babange Player
inkling icon Bailong Player
inkling icon Bair! Player
roy icon KC | BaitsDaDust Player
little_mac icon Keins | Bananelekr Player
lucas icon TGM | Bankai Player
dr_mario icon Bansai Player
inkling icon bBelcampo Player
jigglypuff icon bckstpz Player
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