
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
little_mac icon corrin icon
Noob None -
pyra_and_mythra icon steve icon
Beginner None -
KC | maoi
cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
DBM™ | Tedler
isabelle icon rob icon
Doing okay A little -
Allstars | LaBaguette
little_mac icon kazuya icon terry icon
Advanced Some -
cloud icon greninja icon
Beginner None -
sephiroth icon zelda icon bowser_jr icon
Intermediate None -
corrin icon snake icon byleth icon
Doing okay None -
Der Monopol
duck_hunt icon
Doing okay None -
rob icon rob icon pac_man icon
Doing okay None -
robin icon
Intermediate Some -
isabelle icon jigglypuff icon yoshi icon
Doing okay None -
$oo$ Intermediate None -
DRC | Mika
mewtwo icon lucina icon
Advanced A lot -
DRC | TheBandit
king_k_rool icon corrin icon
Intermediate Some -
DRC | tJerkol
sonic icon
Doing okay None -
DRC | Lifelink
incineroar icon link icon
Doing okay Some -
rob icon
Doing okay None -
kazuya icon isabelle icon
Doing okay None -
lucas icon ness icon greninja icon
Intermediate None -
bowser icon hero icon
Advanced A large amount 42.42 %
pokemon_trainer icon bowser icon cloud icon
Intermediate A little -
joker icon
Beginner None -
zero_suit_samus icon sora icon joker icon
Intermediate None -
kazuya icon cloud icon
Advanced Some -
cloud icon wolf icon
Intermediate A little 22.22 %
Schvenuel Noob A little -
bowser icon king_k_rool icon rob icon
Beginner None -
link icon bayonetta icon cloud icon
Intermediate A lot 14.29 %
random icon ness icon samus icon
Doing okay None -
bowser icon zelda icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced None -
ness icon toon_link icon snake icon
Advanced None -
palutena icon marth icon
Advanced Some 33.33 %
peach icon mario icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced A lot -
king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon
Advanced A little -
incineroar icon
Intermediate A little -
bowser_jr icon bowser icon falco icon
Doing okay None -
ridley icon mii_brawler icon toon_link icon
Advanced Some -
mr_game_and_watch icon palutena icon
Beginner A little -
AR | Wr16link
ganondorf icon
Advanced None -
pikachu icon young_link icon sora icon
Intermediate A little -
pac_man icon mii_swordfighter icon isabelle icon
Professional A large amount 81.28 %
ness icon yoshi icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Advanced A little -
BAL | Capri
yoshi icon mr_game_and_watch icon villager icon
Beginner None -
BAL | Slushy
terry icon
Beginner None -
shulk icon
Beginner None -
cloud icon sephiroth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
corrin icon
Noob None -
roy icon young_link icon
Doing okay None -
der chelo
wii_fit_trainer icon rob icon link icon
Beginner A little -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
little_mac icon TheVendetta97 BY image Bavaria 27 Male
Hsvgott NI image Lower Saxony 22 Male
cloud icon KC | maoi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male
isabelle icon DBM™ | Tedler BW image Baden-Württemberg 19 Male
little_mac icon Allstars | LaBaguette BW image Baden-Württemberg Male
cloud icon NovaDragon MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania Male
sephiroth icon Weeff ST image Saxony-Anhalt 20 Male Bin nicht wirklich gut in dem Spiel will mich aber in Zuk...
corrin icon FruitzPunch Male
duck_hunt icon Der Monopol RP image Rhineland Palatinate 28 Male
rob icon SnOrLaX_ RP image Rhineland Palatinate 16 Male
robin icon Pacil BE image Berlin 20 Male
isabelle icon shinzo RP image Rhineland Palatinate 17 Male
RP image Rhineland Palatinate 21 Male
mewtwo icon DRC | Mika HB image Bremen 17 Male
king_k_rool icon DRC | TheBandit Male
sonic icon DRC | tJerkol BY image Bavaria 19 Male
incineroar icon DRC | Lifelink 21 Male
seraphim NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male
kazuya icon MNKC | NixX SH image Schleswig Holstein 13 Male I know my Mains are weird
lucas icon Niktu BY image Bavaria 17 Male
bowser icon SquallNN SH image Schleswig Holstein 27 Male Gaming
pokemon_trainer icon hectorHellio ST image Saxony-Anhalt 18 Male
joker icon x0mer64 Male
zero_suit_samus icon KawaiiRaven SH image Schleswig Holstein 20 Male
kazuya icon Katana NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
cloud icon 4rne HE image Hesse 17 Male
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Spiele Smash schon seit Brawl als Casual. Habe bisher kau...
bowser icon zLequit HE image Hesse 24 Male
link icon Samu NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male
random icon Marfi HE image Hesse 19 Male
bowser icon Asuki RP image Rhineland Palatinate 20 Male Bin immer gerne für paar Runden offen.
ness icon SnoopysAttitude NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
palutena icon Seto NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male
peach icon Saravin BE image Berlin 21 Male
king_k_rool icon K.Rule34 HE image Hesse 20 Male
incineroar icon SoundCtrl NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male
bowser_jr icon ue☆Felix SH image Schleswig Holstein 17 Male
ridley icon Sho MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 19 Male Ich liebe Smash und möchte besser werden und auf Turniere...
mr_game_and_watch icon Magori NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male
ganondorf icon AR | Wr16link HE image Hesse 16 Male My fellow Ganon-mains Byleth stole the strongest spike fr...
pikachu icon g0nCrazy BE image Berlin 26 Male
pac_man icon Pac-Slash BY image Bavaria 21 Male ↓+B
ness icon BoundLess BW image Baden-Württemberg 19 Male Buzz Buzz
yoshi icon BAL | Capri HH image Hamburg 24 Male #1 Red Yoshi in my Household
terry icon BAL | Slushy NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male
shulk icon Caioeyy HE image Hesse 21 Male
cloud icon Davide BW image Baden-Württemberg 16 Male
corrin icon LagWithJo 24 Male
roy icon AMB | JJB RP image Rhineland Palatinate 19 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon der chelo HE image Hesse 30 Male bin aus Mexiko aber wohne in Hessen. Ich kann daher nicht...
Gamer tag Roles
little_mac icon TheVendetta97 Player Streamer
Hsvgott Player
cloud icon KC | maoi Player
isabelle icon DBM™ | Tedler Player
little_mac icon Allstars | LaBaguette Player
cloud icon NovaDragon Player
sephiroth icon Weeff Player
corrin icon FruitzPunch Player
duck_hunt icon Der Monopol Player
rob icon SnOrLaX_ Player
robin icon Pacil Player
isabelle icon shinzo Player
Player Streamer
mewtwo icon DRC | Mika Player
king_k_rool icon DRC | TheBandit Player
sonic icon DRC | tJerkol Player
incineroar icon DRC | Lifelink Player
seraphim Player
kazuya icon MNKC | NixX Player
lucas icon Niktu Player
bowser icon SquallNN Caster Content creator Player Streamer TO
pokemon_trainer icon hectorHellio Player
joker icon x0mer64 Player
zero_suit_samus icon KawaiiRaven Player
kazuya icon Katana Player
cloud icon 4rne Player
bowser icon zLequit Player
link icon Samu Player
random icon Marfi Designer Player Streamer
bowser icon Asuki Player
ness icon SnoopysAttitude Player
palutena icon Seto Player
peach icon Saravin Player
king_k_rool icon K.Rule34 Content creator Player
incineroar icon SoundCtrl Player
bowser_jr icon ue☆Felix Player
ridley icon Sho Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Magori Player
ganondorf icon AR | Wr16link Coach Player Team manager
pikachu icon g0nCrazy Player
pac_man icon Pac-Slash Player TO
ness icon BoundLess Player
yoshi icon BAL | Capri Player
terry icon BAL | Slushy Player
shulk icon Caioeyy Player
cloud icon Davide Player
corrin icon LagWithJo Player
roy icon AMB | JJB Player
wii_fit_trainer icon der chelo Player
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