
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
DI | Robert
samus icon
Intermediate A lot 18.57 %
peach icon daisy icon bayonetta icon
Advanced A large amount 81.79 %
sora icon
Noob A little -
robin icon sheik icon chrom icon
Doing okay A little 60.0 %
wolf icon donkey_kong icon
Expert None -
LFT | Royal
little_mac icon ness icon cloud icon
Intermediate A large amount 44.67 %
cloud icon terry icon
Advanced Some 66.67 %
robin icon simon icon
Intermediate Some 71.43 %
pyra_and_mythra icon mewtwo icon
Advanced None -
AllStars | Ruisu
ryu icon diddy_kong icon cloud icon
Intermediate A little 33.33 %
pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A little -
king_k_rool icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate Some -
wolf icon kazuya icon
Otherworldly Some 35.71 %
ERN | S0ul
random icon
Intermediate Some 0.0 %
dark_pit icon
Expert A large amount 74.5 %
ike icon ganondorf icon
Noob A little -
zero_suit_samus icon
Noob A large amount 38.73 %
link icon bayonetta icon cloud icon
Intermediate A lot 14.29 %
cl23 | Sanny_Shine
palutena icon
Advanced A large amount 64.39 %
SSP | Sansi
yoshi icon bowser_jr icon ridley icon
Expert A large amount 63.89 %
pichu icon sheik icon kazuya icon
Doing okay A lot 23.08 %
悪玉 | Saphira_666
pyra_and_mythra icon zelda icon
Doing okay A little -
peach icon mario icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced A lot -
CL23 | Sasu
dark_samus icon samus icon
Advanced A large amount 63.42 %
SG | Schnacker
bowser icon samus icon
Intermediate None -
mr_game_and_watch icon king_dedede icon
Advanced A little -
Schvenuel Noob A little -
yoshi icon ganondorf icon toon_link icon
Doing okay Some 20.0 %
sonic icon donkey_kong icon
Doing okay Some 12.5 %
link icon sora icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
greninja icon byleth icon
Doing okay A little -
ike icon
Expert A large amount 77.92 %
HIVE | Sealer
donkey_kong icon sephiroth icon
Advanced A large amount 62.5 %
bowser_jr icon mii_brawler icon samus icon
Advanced Some -
SBF | Semiron
kazuya icon kazuya icon kazuya icon
Doing okay A large amount 64.29 %
rob icon
Doing okay None -
terry icon ryu icon kazuya icon
Advanced Some 63.64 %
Seriosgen Doing okay None -
palutena icon marth icon
Advanced Some 33.33 %
DBM™ | Shadow
steve icon ness icon
Beginner Some 25.0 %
cloud icon ness icon
Intermediate None -
snake icon ness icon
Intermediate A little -
EX | Shakkou
king_dedede icon bowser_jr icon little_mac icon
Intermediate A little -
VE | Shin
sephiroth icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate Some 59.09 %
isabelle icon jigglypuff icon yoshi icon
Doing okay None -
ridley icon mii_brawler icon toon_link icon
Advanced Some -
rob icon wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay None -
yoshi icon olimar icon wii_fit_trainer icon
Advanced A large amount 65.5 %
steve icon palutena icon
Advanced A large amount 55.23 %
joker icon joker icon joker icon
Beginner A lot 48.78 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
samus icon DI | Robert NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Male
peach icon RobinGG SH image Schleswig Holstein 28 Male
sora icon Robix BY image Bavaria 23 Male
robin icon RoseAsche NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
wolf icon Roxy BE image Berlin 17 Male
little_mac icon LFT | Royal 24 Male Who needs recover when you have gloves.
cloud icon RpcRuphy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male @matchmaking @daddeln
robin icon Rudolpho NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Ruettl NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male
ryu icon AllStars | Ruisu NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male scurr
pyra_and_mythra icon Rustee BY image Bavaria 21 Male
king_k_rool icon Rylind3n NI image Lower Saxony 15 Male
wolf icon Ryok BY image Bavaria 22 Male MACHT
random icon ERN | S0ul BW image Baden-Württemberg 26 Male
dark_pit icon Safariwisserin HH image Hamburg 32 Female
ike icon saii BB image Brandenburg 27 Male
zero_suit_samus icon Saiko BY image Bavaria 25 Male
link icon Samu NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male
palutena icon cl23 | Sanny_Shine BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male
yoshi icon SSP | Sansi BY image Bavaria 27 Male Dobby hat Erlaubnis gegeben, bin nun Bayrer hier sapperlo...
pichu icon Santia NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Female Ich fühl mich in DE Smash nicht willkommen und hab deshal...
pyra_and_mythra icon 悪玉 | Saphira_666 RP image Rhineland Palatinate 22 Female
peach icon Saravin BE image Berlin 21 Male
dark_samus icon CL23 | Sasu BW image Baden-Württemberg 30 Male
bowser icon SG | Schnacker SH image Schleswig Holstein 35 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon Schnetzler BY image Bavaria 19 Male Ich bin aus Österreich, wohne aber an der deutschen Grenz...
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Spiele Smash schon seit Brawl als Casual. Habe bisher kau...
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills HB image Bremen 30 Male Eher Kommentator als Spieler :D Ab und zu mal auch hie...
sonic icon Schwebi NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male
link icon Scriptex NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Male
greninja icon scyle NI image Lower Saxony Female
ike icon SdN SH image Schleswig Holstein 27 Male
donkey_kong icon HIVE | Sealer BY image Bavaria 30 Male
bowser_jr icon Seesen_xTv SL image Saarland 17 Male
kazuya icon SBF | Semiron NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
seraphim NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male
terry icon Sergio NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 27 Male
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 26 Male
palutena icon Seto NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male
steve icon DBM™ | Shadow NI image Lower Saxony Male
cloud icon ShadowWolf NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 15 Male Ich bin nun Schon seit 10 Jahren Smash Bros spieler und h...
snake icon Shaiko RP image Rhineland Palatinate 21 Male
king_dedede icon EX | Shakkou NI image Lower Saxony 31 Male
sephiroth icon VE | Shin HE image Hesse 32 Male
isabelle icon shinzo RP image Rhineland Palatinate 17 Male
ridley icon Sho MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 19 Male Ich liebe Smash und möchte besser werden und auf Turniere...
rob icon SHOCKW4VE HE image Hesse 16
yoshi icon AHS | SHOEGAZE BY image Bavaria 29 Other
steve icon Shrobo BE image Berlin 25 Male
joker icon Shuriya
Gamer tag Roles
samus icon DI | Robert Player
peach icon RobinGG Player
sora icon Robix Player
robin icon RoseAsche Player
wolf icon Roxy Player
little_mac icon LFT | Royal Player
cloud icon RpcRuphy Player
robin icon Rudolpho Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Ruettl Player
ryu icon AllStars | Ruisu Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Rustee Player
king_k_rool icon Rylind3n Content creator Player Streamer
wolf icon Ryok Player
random icon ERN | S0ul Designer
dark_pit icon Safariwisserin Player
ike icon saii Player
zero_suit_samus icon Saiko Player
link icon Samu Player
palutena icon cl23 | Sanny_Shine Player
yoshi icon SSP | Sansi Player
pichu icon Santia Player
pyra_and_mythra icon 悪玉 | Saphira_666 Player
peach icon Saravin Player
dark_samus icon CL23 | Sasu Player
bowser icon SG | Schnacker Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Schnetzler Player
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills Player
sonic icon Schwebi Player
link icon Scriptex Player
greninja icon scyle Player
ike icon SdN Player
donkey_kong icon HIVE | Sealer Player
bowser_jr icon Seesen_xTv Player
kazuya icon SBF | Semiron Player
seraphim Player
terry icon Sergio Player
palutena icon Seto Player
steve icon DBM™ | Shadow Player Team manager
cloud icon ShadowWolf Player
snake icon Shaiko Player
king_dedede icon EX | Shakkou Designer Player
sephiroth icon VE | Shin Player
isabelle icon shinzo Player
ridley icon Sho Player
rob icon SHOCKW4VE Player
yoshi icon AHS | SHOEGAZE Player
steve icon Shrobo Player
joker icon Shuriya Player
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