
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
Yoko vdR
zero_suit_samus icon
Advanced Some -
pikachu icon banjo_and_kazooie icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate Some 53.85 %
Majoras Mask II
zelda icon mewtwo icon ken icon
Advanced Some -
zero_suit_samus icon
Doing okay A little 46.67 %
CGN | PatGoodguy
mega_man icon terry icon fox icon
Expert A lot 58.82 %
link icon pikachu icon
Noob Some 16.67 %
RLB | wusi
joker icon fox icon
Expert A large amount 78.13 %
RS | retolki
king_k_rool icon yoshi icon byleth icon
Advanced A little 60.0 %
pac_man icon pikachu icon
Advanced Some -
lucina icon samus icon
Intermediate Some -
falco icon
Advanced A lot 60.87 %
FA | Da Vinci
sephiroth icon palutena icon captain_falcon icon
Advanced None -
Kolping | Belfast
wolf icon
Doing okay A lot 18.75 %
Light Beginner A lot 78.03 %
sonic icon
Doing okay A large amount 69.66 %
corrin icon ridley icon
Doing okay A little -
yoshi icon
Intermediate Some 0.0 %
EX | Shakkou
king_dedede icon bowser_jr icon little_mac icon
Intermediate A little -
Sfz | Gumbs
snake icon sonic icon
Doing okay Some 66.67 %
samus icon
Expert A large amount 57.99 %
MF | Günni
bowser icon
Intermediate A little 25.0 %
Razeroc Beginner A large amount -
yoshi icon ganondorf icon toon_link icon
Doing okay Some 20.0 %
Corbert Otherworldly A large amount 47.06 %
min_min icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Noob Some 10.0 %
mewtwo icon
Intermediate A lot 45.83 %
der chelo
wii_fit_trainer icon rob icon link icon
Beginner A little -
min_min icon
Expert A large amount 57.73 %
lucas icon
Doing okay None -
mario icon
Advanced A large amount 62.39 %
joker icon captain_falcon icon
Noob Some 16.67 %
RS | Pipo
roy icon
Doing okay A little 33.33 %
captain_falcon icon bowser icon wolf icon
Advanced A large amount 43.33 %
TSM | Arcn
greninja icon sonic icon
Doing okay A large amount 59.66 %
bowser icon zero_suit_samus icon king_dedede icon
Intermediate A lot 34.0 %
CL23 | Sasu
dark_samus icon samus icon
Advanced A large amount 63.42 %
HIVE | Sealer
donkey_kong icon sephiroth icon
Advanced A large amount 62.5 %
ERN | Feritas
ridley icon isabelle icon
Advanced A lot -
yoshi icon olimar icon wii_fit_trainer icon
Advanced A large amount 65.5 %
pokemon_trainer icon sephiroth icon
Advanced A large amount 57.88 %
SBF | Semiron
kazuya icon kazuya icon kazuya icon
Doing okay A large amount 64.29 %
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot 30.0 %
yoshi icon
Intermediate A lot 57.97 %
pokemon_trainer icon random icon
Otherworldly A little -
greninja icon sora icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate Some 40.0 %
young_link icon piranha_plant icon samus icon
Doing okay Some 15.79 %
NOI | Repus
joker icon donkey_kong icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Otherworldly A lot 65.41 %
VCA | Purple~H
wolf icon donkey_kong icon
Otherworldly A large amount 81.99 %
TCM | Redegi
lucina icon inkling icon min_min icon
Intermediate Some 28.57 %
joker icon lucas icon
Expert None -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
zero_suit_samus icon Yoko vdR SN image Saxony 31 Male
pikachu icon PAIN. MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 31 Male
zelda icon Majoras Mask II HE image Hesse 31 Male
zero_suit_samus icon Lukiro BY image Bavaria 31 Male Content Creator auf Twitch.
mega_man icon CGN | PatGoodguy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male Auftragsloser Kommentator. Prügel mich gerne. Genieße se...
link icon 76_jOKER BW image Baden-Württemberg 31 Male TTV Streamer
joker icon RLB | wusi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
king_k_rool icon RS | retolki BW image Baden-Württemberg 31 Male
pac_man icon LuckyJero BW image Baden-Württemberg 31 Male Sup! Ich bin Jerome oder Jero, ziemlich alt 👁👄👁 und ko...
lucina icon Oni_Shin HH image Hamburg 31 Male
Ludo BY image Bavaria 31 Male Had enough already?!
sephiroth icon FA | Da Vinci NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
wolf icon Kolping | Belfast NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
sonic icon Buniko NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
corrin icon Firemg NI image Lower Saxony 31 Male Schaut vorbei. Monatlich Bump...
yoshi icon Hydra NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
king_dedede icon EX | Shakkou NI image Lower Saxony 31 Male
snake icon Sfz | Gumbs BW image Baden-Württemberg 30 Male
samus icon ToxicGoofy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 30 Male
bowser icon MF | Günni BE image Berlin 30 Male Hallo
HE image Hesse 30 Male Bin nur TO, von daher viel Turniererfahrung aber kein Spi...
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills HB image Bremen 30 Male Eher Kommentator als Spieler :D Ab und zu mal auch hie...
RP image Rhineland Palatinate 30 Male
min_min icon Winterspell NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 30 no
mewtwo icon Fanabi HE image Hesse 30 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon der chelo HE image Hesse 30 Male bin aus Mexiko aber wohne in Hessen. Ich kann daher nicht...
min_min icon Narayan NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 30 Male
lucas icon Moody RP image Rhineland Palatinate 30 Male
mario icon Whale BE image Berlin 30 Male
joker icon Blize BW image Baden-Württemberg 30 Male
roy icon RS | Pipo BY image Bavaria 30 Male 🧀
captain_falcon icon INVITE | S N 1 P S SN image Saxony 30 Male
greninja icon TSM | Arcn BY image Bavaria 30 Male
bowser icon Duelly NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 30 Male
dark_samus icon CL23 | Sasu BW image Baden-Württemberg 30 Male
donkey_kong icon HIVE | Sealer BY image Bavaria 30 Male
ridley icon ERN | Feritas BW image Baden-Württemberg 30 Male
yoshi icon AHS | SHOEGAZE BY image Bavaria 29 Other
pokemon_trainer icon Muck NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
kazuya icon SBF | Semiron NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Skail HE image Hesse 29 Male
yoshi icon Janix NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Glurakmaster123 SH image Schleswig Holstein 29 Male Ich spiel Pokemon-Trainer aber immer nur Glurak
greninja icon Sokori NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
young_link icon BuddyMetin NI image Lower Saxony 29 Male
joker icon NOI | Repus SH image Schleswig Holstein 29 Male
wolf icon VCA | Purple~H NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
lucina icon TCM | Redegi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
joker icon DerPastor NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
Gamer tag Roles
zero_suit_samus icon Yoko vdR Player TO
pikachu icon PAIN. Player
zelda icon Majoras Mask II Player
zero_suit_samus icon Lukiro Player
mega_man icon CGN | PatGoodguy Caster Content creator Player
link icon 76_jOKER Player
joker icon RLB | wusi Player
king_k_rool icon RS | retolki Player
pac_man icon LuckyJero Player
lucina icon Oni_Shin Player
Ludo Player
sephiroth icon FA | Da Vinci Player
wolf icon Kolping | Belfast Player
sonic icon Buniko Player
corrin icon Firemg Player Streamer TO
yoshi icon Hydra Player
king_dedede icon EX | Shakkou Designer Player
snake icon Sfz | Gumbs Player
samus icon ToxicGoofy Player
bowser icon MF | Günni Player
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills Player
min_min icon Winterspell Player
mewtwo icon Fanabi Player
wii_fit_trainer icon der chelo Player
min_min icon Narayan Player
lucas icon Moody Player
mario icon Whale Player
joker icon Blize Player
roy icon RS | Pipo Player
captain_falcon icon INVITE | S N 1 P S Player
greninja icon TSM | Arcn Player
bowser icon Duelly Player
dark_samus icon CL23 | Sasu Player
donkey_kong icon HIVE | Sealer Player
ridley icon ERN | Feritas Player
yoshi icon AHS | SHOEGAZE Player
pokemon_trainer icon Muck Player
kazuya icon SBF | Semiron Player
pokemon_trainer icon Skail Player
yoshi icon Janix Player
pokemon_trainer icon Glurakmaster123 Player
greninja icon Sokori Player
young_link icon BuddyMetin Player
joker icon NOI | Repus Player
wolf icon VCA | Purple~H Player
lucina icon TCM | Redegi Player
joker icon DerPastor Player TO
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