
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
little_mac icon
Intermediate A lot 51.85 %
pit icon
Intermediate Some -
isabelle icon isabelle icon
Beginner None -
DRC | Raidan
lucas icon kazuya icon
Intermediate Some -
SG | ShyCrack
kirby icon kirby icon kirby icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
ike icon ganondorf icon
Noob A little -
falco icon
Noob A lot 60.0 %
GM | Zebra
ness icon wolf icon
Intermediate A large amount 68.75 %
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some 9.09 %
wario icon
Intermediate A lot 29.55 %
ViA | Weeb260
steve icon mii_gunner icon
Advanced A lot -
sheik icon
Intermediate A little 60.0 %
king_dedede icon kirby icon
Beginner None -
peach icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some 33.33 %
MF | Mana
pyra_and_mythra icon pyra_and_mythra icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A lot 15.15 %
AHS | Lers135
zelda icon
Doing okay A lot 38.16 %
pikachu icon
Beginner None -
[ND] | Anubeon
corrin icon roy icon pikachu icon
Intermediate A little 9.09 %
little_mac icon jigglypuff icon diddy_kong icon
Advanced Some -
MF | Günni
bowser icon
Intermediate A little 25.0 %
lucas icon diddy_kong icon ganondorf icon
Advanced A lot 46.88 %
king_k_rool icon little_mac icon falco icon
Intermediate None -
ryu icon kazuya icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate A lot 58.46 %
bowser icon
Intermediate A lot -
ViA | | Psymon!
bayonetta icon
Intermediate None -
wolf icon donkey_kong icon
Expert None -
inkling icon
Advanced A lot 57.78 %
sheik icon sheik icon sheik icon
Otherworldly A large amount -
lucas icon pichu icon dr_mario icon
Noob None -
peach icon mario icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced A lot -
NDO | Veo
steve icon steve icon steve icon
Intermediate Some 35.0 %
pikachu icon young_link icon sora icon
Intermediate A little -
mewtwo icon
Intermediate Some 36.0 %
bowser icon incineroar icon wario icon
Intermediate A large amount 41.22 %
robin icon
Intermediate Some -
KC | MarvinMP
snake icon
Intermediate A little -
mario icon
Advanced A large amount 62.39 %
sora icon ness icon
Intermediate A lot 53.91 %
fox icon fox icon fox icon
Otherworldly None -
PPG | Nygel
incineroar icon
Doing okay A little -
cloud icon pyra_and_mythra icon palutena icon
Intermediate Some 37.93 %
peach icon daisy icon
Doing okay None -
wolf icon cloud icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
HS | | Karl Marxio
ganondorf icon kazuya icon samus icon
Advanced A little -
wolf icon ness icon
Intermediate Some -
king_dedede icon pyra_and_mythra icon kirby icon
Advanced A little 0.0 %
peach icon
Advanced A large amount 51.46 %
sheik icon lucina icon samus icon
Doing okay Some -
steve icon palutena icon
Advanced A large amount 55.23 %
SSP | Longo
rob icon byleth icon cloud icon
Otherworldly A large amount 75.71 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
little_mac icon Faillord BB image Brandenburg 22 Male Hey, Ich bin Faillord ein Mac main aus Brandenburg der ve...
pit icon justn BB image Brandenburg 25 Male
isabelle icon Florico BB image Brandenburg 19 Male
lucas icon DRC | Raidan BB image Brandenburg 17 Male
kirby icon SG | ShyCrack BB image Brandenburg Female Top 1 smash streamer DE An meine Qualität kommt ihr nich...
ike icon saii BB image Brandenburg 27 Male
falco icon MdL BB image Brandenburg Male
ness icon GM | Zebra BE image Berlin 23 Male BERLIN
pokemon_trainer icon Phentom BE image Berlin 24 Male
wario icon Nisho BE image Berlin 26 Male
steve icon ViA | Weeb260 BE image Berlin 16 Male Der deutsche Steve von Twitter. Spieler für ViA
sheik icon pille BE image Berlin 21 Male
Nathitathi BE image Berlin 15 Male Ich reise bald Ach hongkong und will vorher noch an einem...
peach icon Graivend BE image Berlin 19 Other Irgendwann an Spitze.
pyra_and_mythra icon MF | Mana BE image Berlin 37 Male
zelda icon AHS | Lers135 BE image Berlin 26 Male
pikachu icon Ghost BE image Berlin 17 Male
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon BE image Berlin 22
little_mac icon Ciwan BE image Berlin 19 Male
bowser icon MF | Günni BE image Berlin 30 Male Hallo
lucas icon Zirk BE image Berlin 25 Male
king_k_rool icon SirFatiz BE image Berlin 15 Male
ryu icon Kiste BE image Berlin 24 Male pog
bowser icon KingKong BE image Berlin Male
bayonetta icon ViA | | Psymon! BE image Berlin Male
wolf icon Roxy BE image Berlin 17 Male
inkling icon Mucks BE image Berlin 28 Male
sheik icon Mejo BE image Berlin 26 Male
lucas icon miuboy BE image Berlin 17 Male
peach icon Saravin BE image Berlin 21 Male
steve icon NDO | Veo BE image Berlin 21 Male
pikachu icon g0nCrazy BE image Berlin 26 Male
mewtwo icon Vilhelm BE image Berlin
bowser icon Naticbro BE image Berlin 33 Male
robin icon Pacil BE image Berlin 20 Male
snake icon KC | MarvinMP BE image Berlin 24 Male
mario icon Whale BE image Berlin 30 Male
sora icon Tikao BE image Berlin 27 Male
fox icon dreido_ BE image Berlin 26 Male
incineroar icon PPG | Nygel BE image Berlin 19 Male
cloud icon Anikai BE image Berlin 22 Male Ich bin einer der besten polnischen Spieler, und ich wohn...
peach icon Afrocommie BE image Berlin 23 Male
wolf icon Chijaku BE image Berlin 23 Male Just a friendly neighborhood nerd :)
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio BE image Berlin 18 Male Bitte nich gimpen.
wolf icon Gemtry BE image Berlin 19 Male
king_dedede icon Zane BE image Berlin 22 Male
peach icon BREXIT BE image Berlin Come to my weekly tournament in Berlin: #BREXITSUMMIT
sheik icon Drpuppet BE image Berlin 28 Male
steve icon Shrobo BE image Berlin 25 Male
rob icon SSP | Longo BE image Berlin 26 Male
Gamer tag Roles
little_mac icon Faillord Player
pit icon justn Player
isabelle icon Florico Player
lucas icon DRC | Raidan Player
kirby icon SG | ShyCrack Player
ike icon saii Player
falco icon MdL Player
ness icon GM | Zebra Player
pokemon_trainer icon Phentom Player
wario icon Nisho Content creator Player Streamer
steve icon ViA | Weeb260 Player
sheik icon pille Player
Nathitathi Player
peach icon Graivend Player
pyra_and_mythra icon MF | Mana Player
zelda icon AHS | Lers135 Player
pikachu icon Ghost Player
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon Player
little_mac icon Ciwan Player
bowser icon MF | Günni Player
lucas icon Zirk Player
king_k_rool icon SirFatiz Player
ryu icon Kiste Player
bowser icon KingKong Player
bayonetta icon ViA | | Psymon! Player
wolf icon Roxy Player
inkling icon Mucks Player
sheik icon Mejo Player
lucas icon miuboy Player
peach icon Saravin Player
steve icon NDO | Veo Player
pikachu icon g0nCrazy Player
mewtwo icon Vilhelm Player
bowser icon Naticbro Player Streamer TO
robin icon Pacil Player
snake icon KC | MarvinMP Player
mario icon Whale Player
sora icon Tikao Player TO
fox icon dreido_ Player
incineroar icon PPG | Nygel Player
cloud icon Anikai Player
peach icon Afrocommie Player
wolf icon Chijaku Player
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio Player
wolf icon Gemtry Player
king_dedede icon Zane Player
peach icon BREXIT Player
sheik icon Drpuppet Player
steve icon Shrobo Player
rob icon SSP | Longo Player
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