
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
ike icon ganondorf icon
Noob A little -
TLK | ceo_of_dumbness
wolf icon
Noob Some -
donkey_kong icon dr_mario icon king_k_rool icon
Noob A little -
corrin icon
Noob None -
SG | ShyCrack
kirby icon kirby icon kirby icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
wolf icon pyra_and_mythra icon joker icon
Noob A little -
sonic icon byleth icon terry icon
Doing okay A little -
ice_climbers icon
Doing okay A lot -
pit icon
Doing okay A large amount 36.36 %
diddy_kong icon diddy_kong icon lucina icon
Doing okay A little -
byleth icon palutena icon cloud icon
Doing okay Some 0.0 %
ike icon corrin icon ness icon
Doing okay None -
joker icon
Doing okay A lot 23.26 %
TCM | Moik333
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some 30.77 %
Big Fish | Leo
fox icon captain_falcon icon
Doing okay A lot 37.93 %
mario icon
Doing okay A lot 32.65 %
ness icon pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay Some 28.57 %
roy icon chrom icon diddy_kong icon
Doing okay A little 11.11 %
börek abi
bowser icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay None -
TGM | Acik
ike icon
Doing okay A large amount 69.3 %
sheik icon
Doing okay Some 7.14 %
peach icon daisy icon
Doing okay None -
terry icon kazuya icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay None -
greninja icon inkling icon lucas icon
Doing okay A large amount -
OSGG | sol
falco icon yoshi icon
Doing okay None -
captain_falcon icon ike icon
Doing okay A little 60.0 %
ness icon
Doing okay A lot 47.19 %
joker icon ike icon bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
CD | jojoMojo
ike icon joker icon
Doing okay A large amount 55.3 %
diddy_kong icon lucas icon
Doing okay A little -
pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay Some 0.0 %
falco icon roy icon
Doing okay A lot 53.85 %
sora icon cloud icon joker icon
Doing okay A large amount 67.62 %
ND | Heavydog
banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay None -
random icon samus icon sheik icon
Doing okay Some -
TSM | Arcn
greninja icon sonic icon
Doing okay A large amount 59.66 %
byleth icon palutena icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay A lot 55.7 %
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay A lot 30.0 %
yoshi icon ganondorf icon toon_link icon
Doing okay Some 20.0 %
Cengo Fett
pikachu icon
Doing okay A large amount 54.41 %
NJ | Chiquita
zero_suit_samus icon cloud icon
Doing okay A lot 57.5 %
CC | Demon
king_k_rool icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay Some 63.16 %
captain_falcon icon
Doing okay A little 60.0 %
BERG | Honk
luigi icon palutena icon random icon
Doing okay A large amount 74.59 %
sonic icon
Doing okay A large amount 69.66 %
sonic icon donkey_kong icon
Doing okay Some 12.5 %
pikachu icon ken icon
Doing okay A little -
DRC | Justin855
sephiroth icon
Doing okay Some 54.84 %
joker icon byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A little -
DBB | Funky/XD
joker icon steve icon bowser icon
Doing okay None -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
ike icon saii BB image Brandenburg 27 Male
wolf icon TLK | ceo_of_dumbness NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male folgt mir auf twitter
donkey_kong icon own NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male
corrin icon LagWithJo 24 Male
kirby icon SG | ShyCrack BB image Brandenburg Female Top 1 smash streamer DE An meine Qualität kommt ihr nich...
wolf icon Evidenz HE image Hesse 34 Male
sonic icon TATVERD8 BY image Bavaria 20 Male ganz nervig mit Sonic
ice_climbers icon sinnsai BB image Brandenburg 21 I can´t desync
pit icon E^2
diddy_kong icon .LIMON HE image Hesse 22 Male
byleth icon evemedie NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Female Byleth enjoyer
ike icon N9Alex NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
joker icon Geronimorino NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 28 Male TO vom unregelmäßigem 'Lofi Smash' in Bielefeld!
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male Ich liebe den Geruch von frisch gemähten Rasen
fox icon Big Fish | Leo 23 Male
mario icon Krazzy BY image Bavaria 39 Male
ness icon Ξ Ν Ξ S HE image Hesse 19 Male
roy icon THeisenberg BY image Bavaria 21 Male
bowser icon börek abi RP image Rhineland Palatinate 20 Male
ike icon TGM | Acik RP image Rhineland Palatinate 23 Male Ehrenhesse
sheik icon Luclin HH image Hamburg 24 Male
peach icon Afrocommie BE image Berlin 23 Male
terry icon Simpl NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male
greninja icon Silvanuz NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Male
falco icon OSGG | sol NI image Lower Saxony
captain_falcon icon Duhrito BY image Bavaria 23 Male
ness icon PJ HE image Hesse 25 Male
joker icon Toaster154 SN image Saxony 23 Male
ike icon CD | jojoMojo BY image Bavaria 25 Male
diddy_kong icon Sumk1nd BW image Baden-Württemberg 22 Male Just wait...
pyra_and_mythra icon Momo BY image Bavaria 28 Female
falco icon Flyze BY image Bavaria 24 Male
sora icon Nero NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 28 Male
banjo_and_kazooie icon ND | Heavydog NW image Northrhine-Westphalia Male
random icon Solary NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male Bin nur ein dude, nicht mehr.
greninja icon TSM | Arcn BY image Bavaria 30 Male
byleth icon Mario BY image Bavaria 24 Male bin der beste
pokemon_trainer icon Skail HE image Hesse 29 Male
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills HB image Bremen 30 Male Eher Kommentator als Spieler :D Ab und zu mal auch hie...
pikachu icon Cengo Fett HB image Bremen 35 Male
zero_suit_samus icon NJ | Chiquita NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male bing bong
king_k_rool icon CC | Demon RP image Rhineland Palatinate Male Leader of Cracked Crocodiles
captain_falcon icon Gandragoon BY image Bavaria 26 Male
luigi icon BERG | Honk NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male hallo!
sonic icon Buniko NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male
sonic icon Schwebi NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male
pikachu icon Gosfree HE image Hesse 24 Male
sephiroth icon DRC | Justin855 SH image Schleswig Holstein 18 Male Joint DRC
joker icon FliXath NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 16 Male Hey bin relativ neu in der Smash Community und offen für ...
joker icon DBB | Funky/XD BB image Brandenburg 13 Male Brandenburg 🔛🔝
Gamer tag Roles
ike icon saii Player
wolf icon TLK | ceo_of_dumbness Player
donkey_kong icon own Player
corrin icon LagWithJo Player
kirby icon SG | ShyCrack Player
wolf icon Evidenz Player
sonic icon TATVERD8 Player
ice_climbers icon sinnsai Player
pit icon E^2 Player
diddy_kong icon .LIMON Player
byleth icon evemedie Player
ike icon N9Alex Player Streamer
joker icon Geronimorino Caster Player Streamer TO
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 Player
fox icon Big Fish | Leo Caster Player
mario icon Krazzy Player
ness icon Ξ Ν Ξ S Player
roy icon THeisenberg Player
bowser icon börek abi Player
ike icon TGM | Acik Player
sheik icon Luclin Player Streamer
peach icon Afrocommie Player
terry icon Simpl Player
greninja icon Silvanuz Player
falco icon OSGG | sol Player TO
captain_falcon icon Duhrito Player
ness icon PJ Player
joker icon Toaster154 Player Streamer
ike icon CD | jojoMojo Player
diddy_kong icon Sumk1nd Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Momo Player
falco icon Flyze Player
sora icon Nero Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon ND | Heavydog Player
random icon Solary Player
greninja icon TSM | Arcn Player
byleth icon Mario Player
pokemon_trainer icon Skail Player
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills Player
pikachu icon Cengo Fett Player
zero_suit_samus icon NJ | Chiquita Player
king_k_rool icon CC | Demon Designer Player Team manager
captain_falcon icon Gandragoon Player
luigi icon BERG | Honk Player
sonic icon Buniko Player
sonic icon Schwebi Player
pikachu icon Gosfree Player
sephiroth icon DRC | Justin855 Player
joker icon FliXath Player
joker icon DBB | Funky/XD Player
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