
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
DD | Cookies
shulk icon rob icon
Intermediate A large amount 48.97 %
SWN | Furou
banjo_and_kazooie icon sora icon luigi icon
Advanced Some 64.52 %
meta_knight icon
Doing okay Some 57.89 %
joker icon byleth icon
Intermediate A large amount 57.14 %
WUE | cloud
joker icon
Beginner None -
mega_man icon mega_man icon mega_man icon
Doing okay A little -
bowser icon
Beginner None -
TCM | Moik333
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some 30.77 %
lucas icon
Intermediate A lot 36.0 %
SWN | Weegee
king_dedede icon ice_climbers icon villager icon
Advanced Some -
steve icon toon_link icon byleth icon
Advanced None -
young_link icon rob icon diddy_kong icon
Advanced Some 0.0 %
BJAYS | Floimar
palutena icon cloud icon
Professional A large amount 70.12 %
sheik icon
Doing okay Some 7.14 %
NJ | Ped
olimar icon
Noob A large amount 37.78 %
SSP | Snormanda
bowser_jr icon kazuya icon random icon
Expert A large amount 80.0 %
kazuya icon cloud icon mario icon
Expert None -
mario icon
Doing okay None -
KC | BaitsDaDust
roy icon shulk icon
Doing okay A lot 8.33 %
Lolli Pop
sonic icon yoshi icon mario icon
Advanced None -
joker icon wolf icon ike icon
Intermediate A little -
NO | Dr. Mayo
samus icon wolf icon
Intermediate A little -
falco icon roy icon
Doing okay A lot 53.85 %
BERG | BlasterZ
little_mac icon
Otherworldly A large amount 65.55 %
SirBronzien The III
ryu icon lucina icon marth icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
snake icon random icon
Noob A large amount 72.49 %
ryu icon kazuya icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate A lot 58.46 %
ken icon ryu icon
Advanced A large amount 74.49 %
roy icon chrom icon min_min icon
Noob A large amount 77.09 %
pikachu icon ken icon
Doing okay A little -
incineroar icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced A lot 55.93 %
sephiroth icon sheik icon olimar icon
Intermediate None -
pokemon_trainer icon hero icon
Beginner A little -
MF | Lua Dipa / Joshi
greninja icon mr_game_and_watch icon peach icon
Otherworldly A little -
Starchild Nezumi
marth icon pyra_and_mythra icon robin icon
Beginner None -
LFT | Royal
little_mac icon ness icon cloud icon
Intermediate A large amount 44.67 %
mewtwo icon mario icon
Intermediate A lot 33.33 %
KC | MarvinMP
snake icon
Intermediate A little -
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay None -
bowser icon captain_falcon icon cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
NJ | Protobo
mega_man icon samus icon
Intermediate A lot 42.11 %
BERG | Sirjon
zero_suit_samus icon
Doing okay A large amount 82.17 %
corrin icon
Noob None -
captain_falcon icon
Expert A large amount 60.04 %
ES | king.
piranha_plant icon roy icon marth icon
Advanced A little -
BAL | Capri
yoshi icon mr_game_and_watch icon villager icon
Beginner None -
kazuya icon
Beginner None -
PP | Chillout
sora icon falco icon hero icon
Intermediate Some 42.86 %
cl23 | Sanny_Shine
palutena icon
Advanced A large amount 64.39 %
byleth icon robin icon
Intermediate A little -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
shulk icon DD | Cookies NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male Head-TO für Groß-Düren, dem Ort für die selbsternannten b...
banjo_and_kazooie icon SWN | Furou BY image Bavaria 25 Male
meta_knight icon PaX NI image Lower Saxony 25 Male
joker icon Therion HH image Hamburg 25 Male
joker icon WUE | cloud BY image Bavaria 25 Male
mega_man icon UniWizard NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male
bowser icon Zyrus_298 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male Ich liebe den Geruch von frisch gemähten Rasen
lucas icon Massao BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male
king_dedede icon SWN | Weegee NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
steve icon LogischerBaum_06 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male BÄUME AN DIE MACHT
young_link icon Tosukey NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
palutena icon BJAYS | Floimar NI image Lower Saxony 24 Male
sheik icon Luclin HH image Hamburg 24 Male
olimar icon NJ | Ped RP image Rhineland Palatinate 24 Male Schickt mir Bilder von euren Haustieren, danke
bowser_jr icon SSP | Snormanda BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male
kazuya icon Aryzent HE image Hesse 24 Male
mario icon Instant785 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Kurama on top
roy icon KC | BaitsDaDust NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Hey, ich bin Baits! Ich streame auf Twitch! https://www.t...
sonic icon Lolli Pop NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Hi :D
joker icon dough_ski NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Stream: YouTube: https...
samus icon NO | Dr. Mayo SN image Saxony 24 Male
falco icon Flyze BY image Bavaria 24 Male
little_mac icon BERG | BlasterZ NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Best Mac EU & Kommentator.
ryu icon SirBronzien The III SH image Schleswig Holstein 24 Male Certified Gainz Gamer
snake icon Vulk BY image Bavaria 24 Male Was geht was geht
ryu icon Kiste BE image Berlin 24 Male pog
ken icon Beek BY image Bavaria 24 Male Folgt mir auf Twitter ^^
roy icon Rinor NI image Lower Saxony 24 Male Hrr
pikachu icon Gosfree HE image Hesse 24 Male
incineroar icon LINK3N NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
sephiroth icon aleksz BY image Bavaria 24 Male 369
pokemon_trainer icon Kaps BY image Bavaria 24 Male
greninja icon MF | Lua Dipa / Joshi HE image Hesse 24 Male Leader von Mystic Fate
marth icon Starchild Nezumi BY image Bavaria 24 Male
little_mac icon LFT | Royal 24 Male Who needs recover when you have gloves.
Raph HE image Hesse 24 Male Suche Smasher im Odenwaldkreis !!!!
snake icon KC | MarvinMP BE image Berlin 24 Male
pokemon_trainer icon todt#1337 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
bowser icon Apollo RP image Rhineland Palatinate 24 Male
mega_man icon NJ | Protobo BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Female
zero_suit_samus icon BERG | Sirjon NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
corrin icon LagWithJo 24 Male
captain_falcon icon DOOM NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male folgt @doomafterhours
piranha_plant icon ES | king. NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Leader der Crew EnvySnakes und TO
yoshi icon BAL | Capri HH image Hamburg 24 Male #1 Red Yoshi in my Household
kazuya icon KinoHime TH image Thuringia 24 Other
sora icon PP | Chillout NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
palutena icon cl23 | Sanny_Shine BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male
byleth icon Yuzu BY image Bavaria 24 Female
Gamer tag Roles
shulk icon DD | Cookies Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon SWN | Furou Player
meta_knight icon PaX Player
joker icon Therion Player
joker icon WUE | cloud Player
mega_man icon UniWizard Player
bowser icon Zyrus_298 Player
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 Player
lucas icon Massao Player
king_dedede icon SWN | Weegee Player
steve icon LogischerBaum_06 Player
young_link icon Tosukey Player
palutena icon BJAYS | Floimar Player
sheik icon Luclin Player Streamer
olimar icon NJ | Ped Player
bowser_jr icon SSP | Snormanda Content creator Player Streamer
kazuya icon Aryzent Player
mario icon Instant785 Player
roy icon KC | BaitsDaDust Player
sonic icon Lolli Pop Player
joker icon dough_ski Player
samus icon NO | Dr. Mayo Player
falco icon Flyze Player
little_mac icon BERG | BlasterZ Caster Coach Player Streamer
ryu icon SirBronzien The III Player
snake icon Vulk Player
ryu icon Kiste Player
ken icon Beek Player
roy icon Rinor Player
pikachu icon Gosfree Player
incineroar icon LINK3N Player
sephiroth icon aleksz Player
pokemon_trainer icon Kaps Player
greninja icon MF | Lua Dipa / Joshi Player Team manager
marth icon Starchild Nezumi Player
little_mac icon LFT | Royal Player
Raph Player
snake icon KC | MarvinMP Player
pokemon_trainer icon todt#1337 Player
bowser icon Apollo Player
mega_man icon NJ | Protobo Player
zero_suit_samus icon BERG | Sirjon Player
corrin icon LagWithJo Player
captain_falcon icon DOOM Player
piranha_plant icon ES | king. Designer Player TO
yoshi icon BAL | Capri Player
kazuya icon KinoHime Player
sora icon PP | Chillout Player
palutena icon cl23 | Sanny_Shine Player
byleth icon Yuzu Player
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