
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
joker icon fox icon dark_samus icon
Advanced None -
robin icon sheik icon chrom icon
Doing okay A little 60.0 %
BERG | BlasterZ
little_mac icon
Otherworldly A large amount 65.55 %
terry icon samus icon diddy_kong icon
Intermediate None -
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some 9.09 %
corrin icon
Noob None -
yoshi icon mega_man icon
Doing okay None -
pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay None -
falco icon roy icon
Doing okay A lot 53.85 %
MJS | mokom
cloud icon cloud icon cloud icon
Beginner None -
WeS | Beat
sephiroth icon mega_man icon
Beginner A lot 60.98 %
BAL | Capri
yoshi icon mr_game_and_watch icon villager icon
Beginner None -
KC | MarvinMP
snake icon
Intermediate A little -
Schvenuel Noob A little -
bowser icon king_k_rool icon rob icon
Beginner None -
NJ | Protobo
mega_man icon samus icon
Intermediate A lot 42.11 %
bowser icon
Beginner None -
PP | Chillout
sora icon falco icon hero icon
Intermediate Some 42.86 %
mega_man icon mega_man icon mega_man icon
Intermediate Some -
ECR | Tunbi
toon_link icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A large amount 63.41 %
terry icon
Expert A large amount 77.14 %
PP| | Spezilist
robin icon
Noob Some 0.0 %
king_dedede icon
Advanced Some -
ECR | yung aegi
joker icon rob icon bayonetta icon
Advanced A large amount 51.28 %
Big Fish | Leo
fox icon captain_falcon icon
Doing okay A lot 37.93 %
dark_pit icon pit icon ganondorf icon
Advanced Some 37.5 %
peach icon daisy icon
Doing okay None -
joker icon terry icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
byleth icon piranha_plant icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate A lot 37.66 %
wario icon
Intermediate A little -
WeS | E
roy icon
Intermediate A large amount 52.91 %
samus icon cloud icon ganondorf icon
Otherworldly None -
sheik icon kazuya icon
Doing okay Some 10.0 %
BERG | Honk
luigi icon palutena icon random icon
Doing okay A large amount 74.59 %
joker icon ike icon bowser icon
Doing okay A little -
BSW | Flann
rob icon hero icon
Advanced Some 44.0 %
joker icon pyra_and_mythra icon wolf icon
Intermediate Some 36.36 %
robin icon simon icon
Intermediate Some 71.43 %
captain_falcon icon captain_falcon icon cloud icon
Intermediate A little -
wolf icon cloud icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
ike icon wolf icon samus icon
Advanced A lot 64.86 %
DRC | Punchy
bowser_jr icon
Advanced Some 50.0 %
fox icon
Intermediate A lot 38.89 %
wario icon richter icon
Intermediate A lot 67.15 %
pac_man icon
Doing okay A large amount 36.7 %
dark_pit icon pit icon dark_pit icon
Noob A little 28.57 %
lucas icon
Intermediate Some 48.7 %
ES | Lactuas
sheik icon corrin icon
Doing okay Some 60.0 %
MarRue Intermediate None -
shulk icon
Otherworldly A large amount 55.65 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
joker icon Lenni HE image Hesse 24 Male Hi
robin icon RoseAsche NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
little_mac icon BERG | BlasterZ NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Best Mac EU & Kommentator.
terry icon DerUnglaublicheJ HE image Hesse 24 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Phentom BE image Berlin 24 Male
corrin icon LagWithJo 24 Male
yoshi icon 'noceros NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
pokemon_trainer icon todt#1337 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
falco icon Flyze BY image Bavaria 24 Male
cloud icon MJS | mokom HH image Hamburg 24 Male Suche Leute für sparring und gemeinsames Training. Bin Fr...
sephiroth icon WeS | Beat NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male #Forenpause
yoshi icon BAL | Capri HH image Hamburg 24 Male #1 Red Yoshi in my Household
snake icon KC | MarvinMP BE image Berlin 24 Male
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Spiele Smash schon seit Brawl als Casual. Habe bisher kau...
bowser icon zLequit HE image Hesse 24 Male
mega_man icon NJ | Protobo BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Female
bowser icon Zyrus_298 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
sora icon PP | Chillout NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
mega_man icon niclow HB image Bremen 24
toon_link icon ECR | Tunbi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
terry icon Junes BW image Baden-Württemberg 23 Male
robin icon PP| | Spezilist NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Ich bin gar nicht echt
king_dedede icon TypDa BY image Bavaria 23 Male Dmd mich auf Discord für Games
joker icon ECR | yung aegi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Spiele seit 2019 und bin sehr oft Offline anzutreffen :)
fox icon Big Fish | Leo 23 Male
dark_pit icon Nachtland NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male CEO of moves not working Offline in Köln
peach icon Afrocommie BE image Berlin 23 Male
joker icon Aquario NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
byleth icon Gekko-Arc BW image Baden-Württemberg 23 Male Average Houtenjin enjoyer.
wario icon Muffin BW image Baden-Württemberg 23 Male
roy icon WeS | E NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Ayran schmeckt widerlich
samus icon Kid_Goku61 HE image Hesse 23 Male .
sheik icon MACH NI image Lower Saxony 23 Male
luigi icon BERG | Honk NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male hallo!
joker icon Toaster154 SN image Saxony 23 Male
rob icon BSW | Flann SN image Saxony 23 Male
joker icon Gil NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
robin icon Rudolpho NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
captain_falcon icon Ozsun BY image Bavaria 23 Male
wolf icon Chijaku BE image Berlin 23 Male Just a friendly neighborhood nerd :)
ike icon PhoenixJourney NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
bowser_jr icon DRC | Punchy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male DRC ist Liebe <3
Karpi HE image Hesse 23 Male
wario icon Tonga NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Kauft euch ein Bidet der Spaß hört langsam auf
pac_man icon Ben 23 Male
dark_pit icon Odnamra NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
lucas icon Nikfree NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Junior TO für das Dash-Dancers in Düren Immer Freitags A...
sheik icon ES | Lactuas NI image Lower Saxony 23 Male
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Mach mal langsam \ SW-2273-1653-8326
shulk icon Maruta HB image Bremen 23 Male Yall making up more excuses than counterplay
Gamer tag Roles
joker icon Lenni Player
robin icon RoseAsche Player
little_mac icon BERG | BlasterZ Caster Coach Player Streamer
terry icon DerUnglaublicheJ Player
pokemon_trainer icon Phentom Player
corrin icon LagWithJo Player
yoshi icon 'noceros Player
pokemon_trainer icon todt#1337 Player
falco icon Flyze Player
cloud icon MJS | mokom Player
sephiroth icon WeS | Beat Player
yoshi icon BAL | Capri Player
snake icon KC | MarvinMP Player
bowser icon zLequit Player
mega_man icon NJ | Protobo Player
bowser icon Zyrus_298 Player
sora icon PP | Chillout Player
mega_man icon niclow Player
toon_link icon ECR | Tunbi Player
terry icon Junes Player
robin icon PP| | Spezilist Player
king_dedede icon TypDa Player
joker icon ECR | yung aegi Player
fox icon Big Fish | Leo Caster Player
dark_pit icon Nachtland Player
peach icon Afrocommie Player
joker icon Aquario Player
byleth icon Gekko-Arc Player
wario icon Muffin Player
roy icon WeS | E Player
samus icon Kid_Goku61 Player
sheik icon MACH Player
luigi icon BERG | Honk Player
joker icon Toaster154 Player Streamer
rob icon BSW | Flann Caster Player Team manager TO
joker icon Gil Player
robin icon Rudolpho Player
captain_falcon icon Ozsun Player
wolf icon Chijaku Player
ike icon PhoenixJourney Player
bowser_jr icon DRC | Punchy Player Streamer Team manager
Karpi Player Streamer
wario icon Tonga Player
pac_man icon Ben Player
dark_pit icon Odnamra Player
lucas icon Nikfree Player
sheik icon ES | Lactuas Player
shulk icon Maruta Player
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