
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
EX | Ittoryu
ike icon captain_falcon icon
Intermediate Some 53.06 %
TCM | Redegi
lucina icon inkling icon min_min icon
Intermediate Some 28.57 %
isabelle icon palutena icon
Intermediate Some 18.75 %
CIN | LToon
rob icon rob icon rob icon
Intermediate A little -
VE | Shin
sephiroth icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate Some 59.09 %
ERN | S0ul
random icon
Intermediate Some 0.0 %
shulk icon
Intermediate A lot 28.41 %
wolf icon diddy_kong icon yoshi icon
Intermediate A lot 43.48 %
wario icon richter icon
Intermediate A lot 67.15 %
NJ | Protobo
mega_man icon samus icon
Intermediate A lot 42.11 %
Ice | Icefrysa
piranha_plant icon piranha_plant icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A little -
KC | MarvinMP
snake icon
Intermediate A little -
lucina icon samus icon
Intermediate Some -
daisy icon peach icon
Intermediate Some -
SHB | Oshiegbu
inkling icon rosalina_and_luma icon byleth icon
Intermediate Some 57.14 %
AHS | Picollo
cloud icon bowser icon
Intermediate A lot 22.03 %
king_dedede icon
Intermediate A little 36.36 %
MG | J_Davi
young_link icon yoshi icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate None -
CC | Dty
fox icon byleth icon random icon
Intermediate Some 52.0 %
link icon sheik icon
Intermediate None -
HIVE | Asia☆Box
bowser icon samus icon
Intermediate Some 40.74 %
bowser icon zero_suit_samus icon king_dedede icon
Intermediate A lot 34.0 %
joker icon byleth icon
Intermediate A large amount 57.14 %
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some 38.89 %
pokemon_trainer icon samus icon
Intermediate Some 43.55 %
NDO | Veo
steve icon steve icon steve icon
Intermediate Some 35.0 %
mewtwo icon mario icon
Intermediate A lot 33.33 %
wolf icon falco icon
Intermediate A lot 54.39 %
inkling icon pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate None -
peach icon palutena icon falco icon
Intermediate A lot 52.94 %
greninja icon sora icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate Some 40.0 %
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate A lot 50.54 %
ECR | Tunbi
toon_link icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate A large amount 63.41 %
Chili P
inkling icon
Intermediate A lot 37.7 %
DoeS | Mante
richter icon ridley icon
Intermediate A lot 32.03 %
Auricol | Duncαn
lucario icon
Intermediate Some -
captain_falcon icon ken icon
Intermediate None -
diddy_kong icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate A little -
ness icon lucina icon
Intermediate A large amount 50.67 %
CC | ATZ | EniTheKid
richter icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate None -
duck_hunt icon
Intermediate Some 71.43 %
SSP | J4Ncp
bowser icon toon_link icon lucina icon
Intermediate A large amount 23.28 %
RS | SplashMage
robin icon samus icon
Intermediate A little 33.33 %
[ND] | Anubeon
corrin icon roy icon pikachu icon
Intermediate A little 9.09 %
byleth icon piranha_plant icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate A lot 37.66 %
bayonetta icon
Intermediate A large amount 49.65 %
NJ | Bubbly
inkling icon
Intermediate A large amount 40.68 %
lucas icon
Intermediate A lot 33.33 %
sheik icon
Intermediate A little 60.0 %
MF | Tosan_Yu
mii_gunner icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A lot 62.05 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
ike icon EX | Ittoryu RP image Rhineland Palatinate 25 Male
lucina icon TCM | Redegi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
isabelle icon Yoghurti BW image Baden-Württemberg 28 Male
rob icon CIN | LToon NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
sephiroth icon VE | Shin HE image Hesse 32 Male
random icon ERN | S0ul BW image Baden-Württemberg 26 Male
shulk icon Vektron NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Male
wolf icon Levi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 28 Male
wario icon Tonga NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Kauft euch ein Bidet der Spaß hört langsam auf
mega_man icon NJ | Protobo BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Female
piranha_plant icon Ice | Icefrysa Ich bin Icefrysa, bin Musiker/Home Producer und Sound Des...
snake icon KC | MarvinMP BE image Berlin 24 Male
lucina icon Oni_Shin HH image Hamburg 31 Male
daisy icon Konrad NI image Lower Saxony 21 Male überlegt mal ihr bekommt eine Freundin und ihr erzählt de...
inkling icon SHB | Oshiegbu NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male Sensei Wu der G
cloud icon AHS | Picollo NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 38 Male AHS Clanhead. Auch Pokemon VGC Turnierspieler.
king_dedede icon Manbubies NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male
young_link icon MG | J_Davi BW image Baden-Württemberg 17 Male Habt immer Gute Laune
fox icon CC | Dty NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male DettyBettyBoom.
link icon Illumi HE image Hesse 26 Male Gude
bowser icon HIVE | Asia☆Box BW image Baden-Württemberg 28 Male
bowser icon Duelly NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 30 Male
joker icon Therion HH image Hamburg 25 Male
pokemon_trainer icon SK NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Ich maine Pokemon Trainer, komme aus Köln und spiele seit...
pokemon_trainer icon Delayzz HE image Hesse 17 Male Mein Ziel für 2022 ist es top 10 Hessen zu werden^^
steve icon NDO | Veo BE image Berlin 21 Male
Raph HE image Hesse 24 Male Suche Smasher im Odenwaldkreis !!!!
wolf icon Fogl NI image Lower Saxony 22 Male Will Offline spielen und wohne am Arsch der Welt. Bitte w...
inkling icon K'K BW image Baden-Württemberg 20 Male Hey, ich bin nur etwas interessiert and local spielern/to...
peach icon vaLy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 26 Male peach ist high tier
greninja icon Sokori NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Rob SH image Schleswig Holstein 26 Male
toon_link icon ECR | Tunbi NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
inkling icon Chili P NI image Lower Saxony Male
richter icon DoeS | Mante NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male Ich bin Toll
lucario icon Auricol | Duncαn NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 33 Male
captain_falcon icon Nicbert SH image Schleswig Holstein 32 Male
diddy_kong icon Kide( NI image Lower Saxony 18 Male monke
ness icon Niv NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
richter icon CC | ATZ | EniTheKid BW image Baden-Württemberg 27 Male
duck_hunt icon Zagreus NW image Northrhine-Westphalia Male
bowser icon SSP | J4Ncp NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male
robin icon RS | SplashMage SH image Schleswig Holstein 19 Male
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon BE image Berlin 22
byleth icon Gekko-Arc BW image Baden-Württemberg 23 Male Average Houtenjin enjoyer.
bayonetta icon Magerquark NI image Lower Saxony 26 Male Ricky Racks, I see you! Thugger! YSL for life, bitch Y...
inkling icon NJ | Bubbly HE image Hesse
lucas icon Pierriberri SH image Schleswig Holstein 21 Male
sheik icon pille BE image Berlin 21 Male
mii_gunner icon MF | Tosan_Yu RP image Rhineland Palatinate 28 Male Aren't you wasting your time?
Gamer tag Roles
ike icon EX | Ittoryu Player
lucina icon TCM | Redegi Player
isabelle icon Yoghurti Player
rob icon CIN | LToon Player
sephiroth icon VE | Shin Player
random icon ERN | S0ul Designer
shulk icon Vektron Player
wolf icon Levi Player
wario icon Tonga Player
mega_man icon NJ | Protobo Player
piranha_plant icon Ice | Icefrysa Player
snake icon KC | MarvinMP Player
lucina icon Oni_Shin Player
daisy icon Konrad Player
inkling icon SHB | Oshiegbu Player
cloud icon AHS | Picollo Player
king_dedede icon Manbubies Player
young_link icon MG | J_Davi Player
fox icon CC | Dty Player
link icon Illumi Player
bowser icon HIVE | Asia☆Box Player
bowser icon Duelly Player
joker icon Therion Player
pokemon_trainer icon SK Player
pokemon_trainer icon Delayzz Player
steve icon NDO | Veo Player
Raph Player
wolf icon Fogl Player
inkling icon K'K Player
peach icon vaLy Player
greninja icon Sokori Player
pokemon_trainer icon Rob Player
toon_link icon ECR | Tunbi Player
inkling icon Chili P Player
richter icon DoeS | Mante Caster Player Streamer TO
lucario icon Auricol | Duncαn Player
captain_falcon icon Nicbert Player
diddy_kong icon Kide( Player
ness icon Niv Player
richter icon CC | ATZ | EniTheKid Player
duck_hunt icon Zagreus Player
bowser icon SSP | J4Ncp Player
robin icon RS | SplashMage Player
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon Player
byleth icon Gekko-Arc Player
bayonetta icon Magerquark Player
inkling icon NJ | Bubbly Player
lucas icon Pierriberri Player
sheik icon pille Player
mii_gunner icon MF | Tosan_Yu Caster Designer Player Streamer
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