
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
inkling icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
KC | Tobobi
corrin icon ness icon
Intermediate A little -
ridley icon young_link icon min_min icon
Intermediate None -
king_dedede icon pichu icon corrin icon
Intermediate Some -
link icon pyra_and_mythra icon zelda icon
Noob None -
byleth icon
Doing okay A little -
WES | Pigger
pichu icon pikachu icon sephiroth icon
Doing okay A lot -
SG | ShyCrack
kirby icon kirby icon kirby icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
zelda icon
Intermediate A little -
pokemon_trainer icon random icon
Otherworldly A little -
MD | Hi124
ness icon ness icon ness icon
Doing okay None -
pokemon_trainer icon mario icon palutena icon
Intermediate Some -
悪玉 | Veljko
diddy_kong icon palutena icon
Advanced A lot -
rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced None -
incineroar icon banjo_and_kazooie icon ness icon
Advanced A little 0.0 %
Deon Beginner None -
falco icon
Intermediate Some -
meta_knight icon
Expert A lot -
byleth icon palutena icon cloud icon
Doing okay Some 0.0 %
greninja icon cloud icon
Intermediate Some -
RS | Soulless
pac_man icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A little -
sheik icon lucina icon samus icon
Doing okay Some -
snake icon
Advanced A little -
link icon sora icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
ND | Heavydog
banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay None -
PP| | Spezilist
robin icon
Noob Some 0.0 %
MG | J_Davi
young_link icon yoshi icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate None -
KLBG | Josui
wolf icon falco icon roy icon
Intermediate Some -
bayonetta icon lucina icon ike icon
Beginner None -
lucas icon cloud icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
wario icon
Intermediate A little -
sephiroth icon sheik icon olimar icon
Intermediate None -
ERN | S0ul
random icon
Intermediate Some 0.0 %
link icon sheik icon
Intermediate None -
HS | Guili
luigi icon luigi icon luigi icon
Noob None -
Lolli Pop
sonic icon yoshi icon mario icon
Advanced None -
GM | GonzoMod
palutena icon zelda icon snake icon
Otherworldly A lot -
HS | | Karl Marxio
ganondorf icon kazuya icon samus icon
Advanced A little -
NO | Dr. Mayo
samus icon wolf icon
Intermediate A little -
peach icon daisy icon
Doing okay None -
börek abi
bowser icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay None -
AUT | Dobbyfan
kirby icon captain_falcon icon yoshi icon
Otherworldly None -
CIN | LToon
rob icon rob icon rob icon
Intermediate A little -
IB | Dr_Radtke
sephiroth icon cloud icon joker icon
Advanced None -
HS | Sushirolle
mewtwo icon olimar icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay Some -
13! | Jubei's Katze
duck_hunt icon lucario icon roy icon
Advanced Some -
young_link icon rob icon diddy_kong icon
Advanced Some 0.0 %
WAG | Danny
joker icon
Advanced A lot -
ridley icon pac_man icon
Intermediate A lot -
ridley icon mii_brawler icon toon_link icon
Advanced Some -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
inkling icon Lila NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Female I suck at playing but I'm a pretty awesome social media m...
corrin icon KC | Tobobi RP image Rhineland Palatinate 17 Male
ridley icon FloGoku RP image Rhineland Palatinate 35 Male
king_dedede icon flora HH image Hamburg 27 Female
link icon 1Person17 BY image Bavaria 20 Male
byleth icon Zoradius NW image Northrhine-Westphalia Male
pichu icon WES | Pigger NW image Northrhine-Westphalia
kirby icon SG | ShyCrack BB image Brandenburg Female Top 1 smash streamer DE An meine Qualität kommt ihr nich...
zelda icon Mage NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
pokemon_trainer icon Glurakmaster123 SH image Schleswig Holstein 29 Male Ich spiel Pokemon-Trainer aber immer nur Glurak
ness icon MD | Hi124 RP image Rhineland Palatinate 17 Male lol
pokemon_trainer icon rezes HE image Hesse 18 Male waschechter butzbacher
diddy_kong icon 悪玉 | Veljko HE image Hesse 17 Male Ich versuche auf das hessen powerranking zu kommen und ei...
rosalina_and_luma icon Beltchu BY image Bavaria 20 Male
incineroar icon Paybee NI image Lower Saxony Male
falco icon terrrex RP image Rhineland Palatinate 17 Male hi
meta_knight icon Alöl BW image Baden-Württemberg 21 Male
byleth icon evemedie NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Female Byleth enjoyer
greninja icon bofuri NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male Eigentlich Brawler main, aber der is laut dieser Website ...
pac_man icon RS | Soulless NI image Lower Saxony 17 Male Player für @ruthlessnsweet auf Twitter.. luca ist n kek o...
sheik icon Drpuppet BE image Berlin 28 Male
snake icon Kagami BW image Baden-Württemberg 21 Male
link icon Scriptex NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Male
banjo_and_kazooie icon ND | Heavydog NW image Northrhine-Westphalia Male
robin icon PP| | Spezilist NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Ich bin gar nicht echt
young_link icon MG | J_Davi BW image Baden-Württemberg 17 Male Habt immer Gute Laune
wolf icon KLBG | Josui 25 Male Österreicher
bayonetta icon NoName NW image Northrhine-Westphalia Male
lucas icon Phondrason NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 34 Male
wario icon Muffin BW image Baden-Württemberg 23 Male
sephiroth icon aleksz BY image Bavaria 24 Male 369
random icon ERN | S0ul BW image Baden-Württemberg 26 Male
link icon Illumi HE image Hesse 26 Male Gude
luigi icon HS | Guili NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male Joa....
sonic icon Lolli Pop NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Hi :D
palutena icon GM | GonzoMod NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 27 Male Schonmal vorweg: Tuniererfahrung als modder, nicht als s...
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio BE image Berlin 18 Male Bitte nich gimpen.
samus icon NO | Dr. Mayo SN image Saxony 24 Male
peach icon Afrocommie BE image Berlin 23 Male
bowser icon börek abi RP image Rhineland Palatinate 20 Male
kirby icon AUT | Dobbyfan BY image Bavaria Male ich heise erty und bin fan von doby,
rob icon CIN | LToon NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
sephiroth icon IB | Dr_Radtke RP image Rhineland Palatinate 27 Male
mewtwo icon HS | Sushirolle NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male 🗿
duck_hunt icon 13! | Jubei's Katze NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 36 Male Meow :3
young_link icon Tosukey NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
joker icon WAG | Danny 23 Male
ridley icon BingoKing NI image Lower Saxony 27 Male Das Maskottchen Niedersachsens, wenn ihr Lust auf Bier ha...
ridley icon Sho MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 19 Male Ich liebe Smash und möchte besser werden und auf Turniere...
Gamer tag Roles
inkling icon Lila Player
corrin icon KC | Tobobi Player
ridley icon FloGoku Player
king_dedede icon flora Player
link icon 1Person17 Player
byleth icon Zoradius Player
pichu icon WES | Pigger Player
kirby icon SG | ShyCrack Player
zelda icon Mage Player
pokemon_trainer icon Glurakmaster123 Player
ness icon MD | Hi124 Player
pokemon_trainer icon rezes Player
diddy_kong icon 悪玉 | Veljko Player
rosalina_and_luma icon Beltchu Player
incineroar icon Paybee Player
falco icon terrrex Player
meta_knight icon Alöl Content creator Designer Player Streamer
byleth icon evemedie Player
greninja icon bofuri Player
pac_man icon RS | Soulless Player
sheik icon Drpuppet Player
snake icon Kagami Player
link icon Scriptex Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon ND | Heavydog Player
robin icon PP| | Spezilist Player
young_link icon MG | J_Davi Player
wolf icon KLBG | Josui Player
bayonetta icon NoName Player
lucas icon Phondrason Player
wario icon Muffin Player
sephiroth icon aleksz Player
random icon ERN | S0ul Designer
link icon Illumi Player
luigi icon HS | Guili Player
sonic icon Lolli Pop Player
palutena icon GM | GonzoMod Player
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio Player
samus icon NO | Dr. Mayo Player
peach icon Afrocommie Player
bowser icon börek abi Player
kirby icon AUT | Dobbyfan Player
rob icon CIN | LToon Player
sephiroth icon IB | Dr_Radtke Player
mewtwo icon HS | Sushirolle Player
duck_hunt icon 13! | Jubei's Katze Player
young_link icon Tosukey Player
joker icon WAG | Danny Player
ridley icon BingoKing Player
ridley icon Sho Player
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