
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
steve icon
Advanced A lot -
AvT | MannVonWelt
joker icon ganondorf icon corrin icon
Intermediate A little -
KLBG | Josui
wolf icon falco icon roy icon
Intermediate Some -
pikachu icon
Beginner None 45.28 %
min_min icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Noob Some 10.0 %
AR | Wr16link
ganondorf icon
Advanced None -
diddy_kong icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate A little -
NJ | Mangle
pokemon_trainer icon
Advanced A large amount 46.55 %
pyra_and_mythra icon incineroar icon min_min icon
Advanced A little 0.0 %
BERG | yano
wolf icon joker icon
Otherworldly A large amount 62.27 %
toon_link icon bowser_jr icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate None -
GECO | Gufa
wii_fit_trainer icon mii_swordfighter icon
Advanced A lot 58.82 %
13! | Jubei's Katze
duck_hunt icon lucario icon roy icon
Advanced Some -
pokemon_trainer icon samus icon
Intermediate Some 43.55 %
cloud icon terry icon
Advanced Some 66.67 %
HS | Thavong
lucina icon sephiroth icon lucina icon
Otherworldly A little 36.36 %
wolf icon kazuya icon
Otherworldly Some 35.71 %
MarRue Intermediate None -
MD | Hi124
ness icon ness icon ness icon
Doing okay None -
RS | Eliwan
little_mac icon falco icon marth icon
Intermediate A lot 23.08 %
SG | Minedrix
mega_man icon king_dedede icon byleth icon
Intermediate A little -
MF | Lua Dipa / Joshi
greninja icon mr_game_and_watch icon peach icon
Otherworldly A little -
CC | Demon
king_k_rool icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay Some 63.16 %
ES | king.
piranha_plant icon roy icon marth icon
Advanced A little -
UTA | cosmolon
pit icon dark_pit icon
Advanced A lot 66.15 %
mario icon
Doing okay None -
wario icon richter icon
Intermediate A lot 67.15 %
diddy_kong icon lucas icon
Doing okay A little -
ITGB | mush
jigglypuff icon
Intermediate None -
wolf icon cloud icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
lucas icon
Intermediate Some 48.7 %
piranha_plant icon wolf icon ken icon
Intermediate Some -
DRC | Justin855
sephiroth icon
Doing okay Some 54.84 %
robin icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Noob Some 25.0 %
HS | Guili
luigi icon luigi icon luigi icon
Noob None -
bowser icon king_k_rool icon villager icon
Advanced Some -
steve icon pyra_and_mythra icon min_min icon
Noob A large amount 70.65 %
inkling icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
peach icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some 33.33 %
mii_swordfighter icon incineroar icon pac_man icon
Intermediate None -
luigi icon
Doing okay A large amount -
sonic icon mewtwo icon wolf icon
Doing okay None -
悪玉 | Veljko
diddy_kong icon palutena icon
Advanced A lot -
link icon simon icon
Doing okay A large amount 59.27 %
pokemon_trainer icon random icon
Otherworldly A little -
king_dedede icon kirby icon
Beginner None -
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate Some 38.89 %
ridley icon mii_brawler icon toon_link icon
Advanced Some -
TCM | Moik333
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some 30.77 %
yoshi icon dark_samus icon captain_falcon icon
Advanced A lot 46.0 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
steve icon niPin SN image Saxony 21 Male Overconfident
joker icon AvT | MannVonWelt BW image Baden-Württemberg Male OSTSTADT
wolf icon KLBG | Josui 25 Male Österreicher
pikachu icon TRVIS NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male nunja
min_min icon Winterspell NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 30 no
ganondorf icon AR | Wr16link HE image Hesse 16 Male My fellow Ganon-mains Byleth stole the strongest spike fr...
diddy_kong icon Kide( NI image Lower Saxony 18 Male monke
pokemon_trainer icon NJ | Mangle BY image Bavaria 21 Male Moin Meister
pyra_and_mythra icon Flo NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 15 Male Moin ich bin der Flo und ich bin auch dabei!
wolf icon BERG | yano NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Other Moin
toon_link icon Gami NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male Möchte mega gerne versuchen auf kleinen Turnieren zu scha...
wii_fit_trainer icon GECO | Gufa RP image Rhineland Palatinate 25 Male Mii-Schwertkämpfer
duck_hunt icon 13! | Jubei's Katze NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 36 Male Meow :3
pokemon_trainer icon Delayzz HE image Hesse 17 Male Mein Ziel für 2022 ist es top 10 Hessen zu werden^^
cloud icon RpcRuphy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male @matchmaking @daddeln
lucina icon HS | Thavong NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male Man nennt mich auch Thavong
wolf icon Ryok BY image Bavaria 22 Male MACHT
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Mach mal langsam \ SW-2273-1653-8326
ness icon MD | Hi124 RP image Rhineland Palatinate 17 Male lol
little_mac icon RS | Eliwan BY image Bavaria 21 Male Let's go
mega_man icon SG | Minedrix NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male ~ Lemon ~
greninja icon MF | Lua Dipa / Joshi HE image Hesse 24 Male Leader von Mystic Fate
king_k_rool icon CC | Demon RP image Rhineland Palatinate Male Leader of Cracked Crocodiles
piranha_plant icon ES | king. NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Leader der Crew EnvySnakes und TO
pit icon UTA | cosmolon BY image Bavaria 20 Male labbed out the game pretty much
mario icon Instant785 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Kurama on top
wario icon Tonga NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Kauft euch ein Bidet der Spaß hört langsam auf
diddy_kong icon Sumk1nd BW image Baden-Württemberg 22 Male Just wait...
jigglypuff icon ITGB | mush HE image Hesse 18 Other just silly honestly.
wolf icon Chijaku BE image Berlin 23 Male Just a friendly neighborhood nerd :)
lucas icon Nikfree NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Junior TO für das Dash-Dancers in Düren Immer Freitags A...
piranha_plant icon Daki_131 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 14 Male Jo was geht :]
sephiroth icon DRC | Justin855 SH image Schleswig Holstein 18 Male Joint DRC
robin icon BlackJack BY image Bavaria 22 Jo freilich bin i a Boar
luigi icon HS | Guili NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male Joa....
bowser icon FATIHBREEE BY image Bavaria 19 Male JO
steve icon Ente BY image Bavaria 19 Male Jank
inkling icon Lila NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 32 Female I suck at playing but I'm a pretty awesome social media m...
peach icon Graivend BE image Berlin 19 Other Irgendwann an Spitze.
mii_swordfighter icon Calu HE image Hesse 21 Female In manchen Spielen bin ich echt gut, meistens aber nicht :)
luigi icon Lesgnid NI image Lower Saxony 22 Male I invade your tournaments because dutch tournaments are t...
sonic icon ggjojobro BW image Baden-Württemberg 15 Male Ich weiß net ob man überhaupt in diesem Alter zu einem Tu...
diddy_kong icon 悪玉 | Veljko HE image Hesse 17 Male Ich versuche auf das hessen powerranking zu kommen und ei...
link icon Knightmare HE image Hesse 23 Male Ich vermisse SmashLabs :')
pokemon_trainer icon Glurakmaster123 SH image Schleswig Holstein 29 Male Ich spiel Pokemon-Trainer aber immer nur Glurak
Nathitathi BE image Berlin 15 Male Ich reise bald Ach hongkong und will vorher noch an einem...
pokemon_trainer icon SK NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Ich maine Pokemon Trainer, komme aus Köln und spiele seit...
ridley icon Sho MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 19 Male Ich liebe Smash und möchte besser werden und auf Turniere...
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male Ich liebe den Geruch von frisch gemähten Rasen
yoshi icon Ebay HE image Hesse 19 Male Ich lass Nacken knacken ich geh nackig kacken
Gamer tag Roles
steve icon niPin Content creator Player Streamer
joker icon AvT | MannVonWelt Player
wolf icon KLBG | Josui Player
pikachu icon TRVIS Coach Player
min_min icon Winterspell Player
ganondorf icon AR | Wr16link Coach Player Team manager
diddy_kong icon Kide( Player
pokemon_trainer icon NJ | Mangle Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Flo Player
wolf icon BERG | yano Coach Player
toon_link icon Gami Player
wii_fit_trainer icon GECO | Gufa Player
duck_hunt icon 13! | Jubei's Katze Player
pokemon_trainer icon Delayzz Player
cloud icon RpcRuphy Player
lucina icon HS | Thavong Player
wolf icon Ryok Player
ness icon MD | Hi124 Player
little_mac icon RS | Eliwan Player
mega_man icon SG | Minedrix Player
greninja icon MF | Lua Dipa / Joshi Player Team manager
king_k_rool icon CC | Demon Designer Player Team manager
piranha_plant icon ES | king. Designer Player TO
pit icon UTA | cosmolon Player Streamer Team manager
mario icon Instant785 Player
wario icon Tonga Player
diddy_kong icon Sumk1nd Player
jigglypuff icon ITGB | mush Player
wolf icon Chijaku Player
lucas icon Nikfree Player
piranha_plant icon Daki_131 Player
sephiroth icon DRC | Justin855 Player
robin icon BlackJack Player
luigi icon HS | Guili Player
bowser icon FATIHBREEE Player
steve icon Ente Player
inkling icon Lila Player
peach icon Graivend Player
mii_swordfighter icon Calu Player
luigi icon Lesgnid Player TO
sonic icon ggjojobro Player
diddy_kong icon 悪玉 | Veljko Player
link icon Knightmare Player
pokemon_trainer icon Glurakmaster123 Player
Nathitathi Player
pokemon_trainer icon SK Player
ridley icon Sho Player
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 Player
yoshi icon Ebay Player
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