
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
link icon sheik icon
Intermediate None -
ganondorf icon pyra_and_mythra icon ike icon
Advanced A large amount 37.77 %
cloud icon sora icon joker icon
Advanced None -
cloud icon sora icon joker icon
Advanced None -
ness icon roy icon jigglypuff icon
Intermediate None -
sonic icon little_mac icon
Intermediate A lot 44.19 %
sonic icon byleth icon terry icon
Doing okay A little -
bowser icon hero icon
Advanced A large amount 42.42 %
Hans Dagger
greninja icon lucina icon
Intermediate A lot 30.68 %
dr_mario icon link icon
Advanced A large amount 56.0 %
WeS | Beat
sephiroth icon mega_man icon
Beginner A lot 60.98 %
ken icon ryu icon
Advanced A large amount 74.49 %
TLK | ceo_of_dumbness
wolf icon
Noob Some -
diddy_kong icon marth icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Otherworldly A large amount 45.38 %
captain_falcon icon
Expert A large amount 60.04 %
sora icon samus icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Noob A little 30.0 %
zelda icon
Doing okay None -
wii_fit_trainer icon
Expert A large amount 68.25 %
samus icon
Beginner None -
Amino | Eikos
king_dedede icon olimar icon
Doing okay A lot 57.97 %
TGM | Larry
wii_fit_trainer icon roy icon mii_swordfighter icon
Intermediate A large amount 47.35 %
SH | NiksName
link icon samus icon cloud icon
Doing okay A lot 31.58 %
greninja icon cloud icon
Intermediate Some -
TGM | Acik
ike icon
Doing okay A large amount 69.3 %
sora icon
Doing okay A lot 27.59 %
yoshi icon ganondorf icon toon_link icon
Doing okay Some 20.0 %
incineroar icon king_k_rool icon
Intermediate Some 20.0 %
DRC | Punchy
bowser_jr icon
Advanced Some 50.0 %
SSP | Sansi
yoshi icon bowser_jr icon ridley icon
Expert A large amount 63.89 %
SG | Nightroxx
link icon ike icon
Intermediate Some -
king_dedede icon
Advanced Some -
CC | Dty
fox icon byleth icon random icon
Intermediate Some 52.0 %
SSP | Nerø
donkey_kong icon byleth icon palutena icon
Intermediate A lot -
incineroar icon
Advanced A large amount 12.5 %
CGN | Yakumo09
yoshi icon yoshi icon sora icon
Professional A large amount 78.72 %
ViA | Weeb260
steve icon mii_gunner icon
Advanced A lot -
Yugo4ever Intermediate None -
ridley icon pac_man icon
Intermediate A lot -
DRC | Simi
cloud icon roy icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate Some -
zero_suit_samus icon
Doing okay A little 46.67 %
peach icon
Advanced A large amount 51.46 %
SirBronzien The III
ryu icon lucina icon marth icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
dark_pit icon pit icon ganondorf icon
Advanced Some 37.5 %
king_k_rool icon king_dedede icon toon_link icon
Intermediate A little -
Snarl | Esvee
duck_hunt icon wolf icon mega_man icon
Intermediate Some 53.57 %
byleth icon palutena icon cloud icon
Doing okay Some 0.0 %
ness icon yoshi icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Advanced A little -
DOX | Tike
samus icon dark_samus icon mewtwo icon
Advanced Some 70.27 %
mii_brawler icon
Advanced A lot 64.29 %
pyra_and_mythra icon corrin icon byleth icon
Intermediate A little 40.0 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
link icon Illumi HE image Hesse 26 Male Gude
ganondorf icon MN NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male Gründer, Co-Leiter und Haupt-Eventplaner der ESCL. Adviso...
cloud icon Drago2u NI image Lower Saxony 16 Male Good luck
cloud icon Drago NI image Lower Saxony 16 Male Good luck
ness icon adamzik NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male genieß dein leben fr
sonic icon otherAaron NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male Ganz ok mit Sonic und gut mit Mac aber das zählt nicht
sonic icon TATVERD8 BY image Bavaria 20 Male ganz nervig mit Sonic
bowser icon SquallNN SH image Schleswig Holstein 27 Male Gaming
greninja icon Hans Dagger HH image Hamburg 23 Male Gameing
dr_mario icon Bansai NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male Frame 3 Up b
sephiroth icon WeS | Beat NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male #Forenpause
ken icon Beek BY image Bavaria 24 Male Folgt mir auf Twitter ^^
wolf icon TLK | ceo_of_dumbness NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male folgt mir auf twitter
diddy_kong icon BoJo NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 26 Male Folgt @doomafterhours !!
captain_falcon icon DOOM NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male folgt @doomafterhours
sora icon YiYa BY image Bavaria 25 Male Floaty char Main ,aber leider Bad.
◇Diamond◇ NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male fish gaming
wii_fit_trainer icon Hirschulat NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 28 Male fett
samus icon Tatara RP image Rhineland Palatinate Male FC Mkleo
king_dedede icon Amino | Eikos NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male Epeo😍😍😍
wii_fit_trainer icon TGM | Larry HE image Hesse 26 Male Enten sind cool.
link icon SH | NiksName SL image Saarland 22 Male Einziger Link Main im Saarland
greninja icon bofuri NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male Eigentlich Brawler main, aber der is laut dieser Website ...
ike icon TGM | Acik RP image Rhineland Palatinate 23 Male Ehrenhesse
sora icon Jakael RP image Rhineland Palatinate 27 Male Ehhhh ich find Smash ganz cool, falls du das siehst dann ...
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills HB image Bremen 30 Male Eher Kommentator als Spieler :D Ab und zu mal auch hie...
oNoise SN image Saxony 28 Other DUST TO Team
bowser_jr icon DRC | Punchy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male DRC ist Liebe <3
yoshi icon SSP | Sansi BY image Bavaria 27 Male Dobby hat Erlaubnis gegeben, bin nun Bayrer hier sapperlo...
link icon SG | Nightroxx NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male DM me on Discord for Friendlies :3
king_dedede icon TypDa BY image Bavaria 23 Male Dmd mich auf Discord für Games
fox icon CC | Dty NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male DettyBettyBoom.
donkey_kong icon SSP | Nerø BY image Bavaria 19 Male Design Commissions offen
incineroar icon anima NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male Der (hoffentlich) beste Fuegro des Nordens.
yoshi icon CGN | Yakumo09 BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male Der eine Furry in der Smashszene
steve icon ViA | Weeb260 BE image Berlin 16 Male Der deutsche Steve von Twitter. Spieler für ViA
NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 16 Male Das ž in Sandžak spricht man wie ein sch aus
ridley icon BingoKing NI image Lower Saxony 27 Male Das Maskottchen Niedersachsens, wenn ihr Lust auf Bier ha...
cloud icon DRC | Simi NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male cross slash
zero_suit_samus icon Lukiro BY image Bavaria 31 Male Content Creator auf Twitch.
peach icon BREXIT BE image Berlin Come to my weekly tournament in Berlin: #BREXITSUMMIT
ryu icon SirBronzien The III SH image Schleswig Holstein 24 Male Certified Gainz Gamer
dark_pit icon Nachtland NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male CEO of moves not working Offline in Köln
king_k_rool icon DB01 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male ccg, never chase your dreams.!.
duck_hunt icon Snarl | Esvee 24 Male Can
byleth icon evemedie NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Female Byleth enjoyer
ness icon BoundLess BW image Baden-Württemberg 19 Male Buzz Buzz
samus icon DOX | Tike SN image Saxony 21 Male Bubatz 👍
mii_brawler icon Daphung SH image Schleswig Holstein 22 Male ❤️ BSW ❤️
pyra_and_mythra icon Neviode HH image Hamburg 17 Male Breathing is fun.
Gamer tag Roles
link icon Illumi Player
ganondorf icon MN Player
cloud icon Drago2u Player
cloud icon Drago Player
ness icon adamzik Player
sonic icon otherAaron Player
sonic icon TATVERD8 Player
bowser icon SquallNN Caster Content creator Player Streamer TO
greninja icon Hans Dagger Player
dr_mario icon Bansai Player
sephiroth icon WeS | Beat Player
ken icon Beek Player
wolf icon TLK | ceo_of_dumbness Player
diddy_kong icon BoJo Player
captain_falcon icon DOOM Player
sora icon YiYa Player
◇Diamond◇ Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Hirschulat Player
samus icon Tatara Player
king_dedede icon Amino | Eikos Player
wii_fit_trainer icon TGM | Larry Admin Player Team manager TO
link icon SH | NiksName Player Streamer
greninja icon bofuri Player
ike icon TGM | Acik Player
sora icon Jakael Player
yoshi icon SchwarzSkills Player
oNoise Player
bowser_jr icon DRC | Punchy Player Streamer Team manager
yoshi icon SSP | Sansi Player
link icon SG | Nightroxx Player
king_dedede icon TypDa Player
fox icon CC | Dty Player
donkey_kong icon SSP | Nerø Designer Player
incineroar icon anima Player
yoshi icon CGN | Yakumo09 Player
steve icon ViA | Weeb260 Player
ridley icon BingoKing Player
cloud icon DRC | Simi Player
zero_suit_samus icon Lukiro Player
peach icon BREXIT Player
ryu icon SirBronzien The III Player
dark_pit icon Nachtland Player
king_k_rool icon DB01 Player
duck_hunt icon Snarl | Esvee Player
byleth icon evemedie Player
ness icon BoundLess Player
samus icon DOX | Tike Player
mii_brawler icon Daphung Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Neviode Player
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