
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
DBB | Funky/XD
joker icon steve icon bowser icon
Doing okay None -
HS | | Karl Marxio
ganondorf icon kazuya icon samus icon
Advanced A little -
captain_falcon icon captain_falcon icon captain_falcon icon
Intermediate A lot 48.08 %
Razeroc Beginner A large amount -
random icon samus icon sheik icon
Doing okay Some -
sephiroth icon zelda icon bowser_jr icon
Intermediate None -
bowser icon zelda icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced None -
NJ | Chiquita
zero_suit_samus icon cloud icon
Doing okay A lot 57.5 %
byleth icon min_min icon palutena icon
Intermediate Some 0.0 %
byleth icon palutena icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay A lot 55.7 %
der chelo
wii_fit_trainer icon rob icon link icon
Beginner A little -
sephiroth icon palutena icon pac_man icon
Beginner None -
CF | Kech
pichu icon cloud icon dr_mario icon
Advanced None -
TG | Javes
inkling icon steve icon dr_mario icon
Noob Some 38.71 %
BERG | BlasterZ
little_mac icon
Otherworldly A large amount 65.55 %
悪玉 | hydrofx
hero icon hero icon hero icon
Advanced A lot 57.14 %
king_dedede icon
Advanced A lot -
GM | Zebra
ness icon wolf icon
Intermediate A large amount 68.75 %
steve icon toon_link icon byleth icon
Advanced None -
pac_man icon mii_swordfighter icon isabelle icon
Professional A large amount 81.28 %
WeS | E
roy icon
Intermediate A large amount 52.91 %
byleth icon piranha_plant icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate A lot 37.66 %
CGN | PatGoodguy
mega_man icon terry icon fox icon
Expert A lot 58.82 %
TVM | Jakane
wii_fit_trainer icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A lot 32.39 %
HIVE | Zephir_CDOS
shulk icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Professional A large amount 77.7 %
MF | Tosan_Yu
mii_gunner icon mii_brawler icon
Intermediate A lot 62.05 %
young_link icon sora icon falco icon
Advanced A large amount 64.74 %
AHS | Carii
joker icon
Doing okay A large amount 5.0 %
AHS | Picollo
cloud icon bowser icon
Intermediate A lot 22.03 %
rob icon
Doing okay A little -
sephiroth icon sheik icon olimar icon
Intermediate None -
Nikishan18 Doing okay A little -
FRE | Zwirrklop
samus icon
Advanced A lot 72.5 %
SC | ozan
ness icon byleth icon yoshi icon
Expert A lot -
BAL | Capri
yoshi icon mr_game_and_watch icon villager icon
Beginner None -
Queen of Whack
hero icon
Advanced A large amount 38.38 %
samus icon cloud icon ganondorf icon
Otherworldly None -
SG | Lillia
greninja icon
Intermediate A lot 23.08 %
sheik icon
Doing okay None -
RS | Pipo
roy icon
Doing okay A little 33.33 %
HS | Sushirolle
mewtwo icon olimar icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay Some -
little_mac icon min_min icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Noob None -
young_link icon shulk icon chrom icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
mario icon min_min icon steve icon
Advanced A lot 68.42 %
villager icon
Advanced Some 42.86 %
lucina icon ike icon
Advanced A lot 76.19 %
DBM™ | Shadow
steve icon ness icon
Beginner Some 25.0 %
roy icon
Intermediate None -
mewtwo icon
Intermediate A lot 45.83 %
SSP | Longo
rob icon byleth icon cloud icon
Otherworldly A large amount 75.71 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
joker icon DBB | Funky/XD BB image Brandenburg 13 Male Brandenburg 🔛🔝
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio BE image Berlin 18 Male Bitte nich gimpen.
captain_falcon icon slowmo NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 27 Male Bin täglich am grinden, melde dich wenn du zocken willst!
HE image Hesse 30 Male Bin nur TO, von daher viel Turniererfahrung aber kein Spi...
random icon Solary NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male Bin nur ein dude, nicht mehr.
sephiroth icon Weeff ST image Saxony-Anhalt 20 Male Bin nicht wirklich gut in dem Spiel will mich aber in Zuk...
bowser icon Asuki RP image Rhineland Palatinate 20 Male Bin immer gerne für paar Runden offen.
zero_suit_samus icon NJ | Chiquita NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male bing bong
byleth icon domgedom HE image Hesse 23 Male Bin für paar Games immer zu haben.
byleth icon Mario BY image Bavaria 24 Male bin der beste
wii_fit_trainer icon der chelo HE image Hesse 30 Male bin aus Mexiko aber wohne in Hessen. Ich kann daher nicht...
sephiroth icon Kernseife HE image Hesse 22 Male Bin 19 Jahre alt und spiele ab und zu mal Smash. :D
pichu icon CF | Kech NI image Lower Saxony Male Biber.
inkling icon TG | Javes HE image Hesse 21 Male Best Steve in my house
little_mac icon BERG | BlasterZ NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Best Mac EU & Kommentator.
hero icon 悪玉 | hydrofx RP image Rhineland Palatinate 18 Male best hero main
king_dedede icon Puffy HE image Hesse 17 Male Best Dedede
ness icon GM | Zebra BE image Berlin 23 Male BERLIN
steve icon LogischerBaum_06 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male BÄUME AN DIE MACHT
pac_man icon Pac-Slash BY image Bavaria 21 Male ↓+B
roy icon WeS | E NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male Ayran schmeckt widerlich
byleth icon Gekko-Arc BW image Baden-Württemberg 23 Male Average Houtenjin enjoyer.
mega_man icon CGN | PatGoodguy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 31 Male Auftragsloser Kommentator. Prügel mich gerne. Genieße se...
wii_fit_trainer icon TVM | Jakane NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 28 Male Atzenstarker Kerl
shulk icon HIVE | Zephir_CDOS NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 28 Male Atm kein Wifi-Player, falls du in NRW wohnst und Bootcamp...
mii_gunner icon MF | Tosan_Yu RP image Rhineland Palatinate 28 Male Aren't you wasting your time?
young_link icon Clade RP image Rhineland Palatinate Male Alles für RT
joker icon AHS | Carii RP image Rhineland Palatinate 33 Female AHS Clanlead und im TO Team für die GHZO in Trier
cloud icon AHS | Picollo NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 38 Male AHS Clanhead. Auch Pokemon VGC Turnierspieler.
rob icon rilkio BW image Baden-Württemberg 18 Male 4 Longo
sephiroth icon aleksz BY image Bavaria 24 Male 369
BE image Berlin 19 Male <3
samus icon FRE | Zwirrklop BW image Baden-Württemberg 26 Male 23♂ || People call me Basti || Smash Player for @eSportsF...
ness icon SC | ozan SH image Schleswig Holstein 18 Male 1v1 schreib Discord :) Außerdem Owner von Just4fun 『𝕊𝕞...
yoshi icon BAL | Capri HH image Hamburg 24 Male #1 Red Yoshi in my Household
hero icon Queen of Whack BY image Bavaria 26 Female
samus icon Kid_Goku61 HE image Hesse 23 Male .
greninja icon SG | Lillia SH image Schleswig Holstein 18 Male 💤💤💤
sheik icon Fusionfabi08 NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 16 Male 🔛🔝
roy icon RS | Pipo BY image Bavaria 30 Male 🧀
mewtwo icon HS | Sushirolle NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male 🗿
little_mac icon Ebobab HH image Hamburg 25 Male :)
young_link icon lemone TH image Thuringia 22 Other
mario icon Zenite NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male
villager icon GRYER RP image Rhineland Palatinate 19 Male
lucina icon Nagl BY image Bavaria 26 Male
steve icon DBM™ | Shadow NI image Lower Saxony Male
roy icon ImTheAiman HE image Hesse 20 Male
mewtwo icon Fanabi HE image Hesse 30 Male
rob icon SSP | Longo BE image Berlin 26 Male
Gamer tag Roles
joker icon DBB | Funky/XD Player
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio Player
captain_falcon icon slowmo Player
random icon Solary Player
sephiroth icon Weeff Player
bowser icon Asuki Player
zero_suit_samus icon NJ | Chiquita Player
byleth icon domgedom Player
byleth icon Mario Player
wii_fit_trainer icon der chelo Player
sephiroth icon Kernseife Player
pichu icon CF | Kech Caster Coach Designer Player Team manager
inkling icon TG | Javes Player
little_mac icon BERG | BlasterZ Caster Coach Player Streamer
hero icon 悪玉 | hydrofx Player Streamer
king_dedede icon Puffy Player
ness icon GM | Zebra Player
steve icon LogischerBaum_06 Player
pac_man icon Pac-Slash Player TO
roy icon WeS | E Player
byleth icon Gekko-Arc Player
mega_man icon CGN | PatGoodguy Caster Content creator Player
wii_fit_trainer icon TVM | Jakane Player
shulk icon HIVE | Zephir_CDOS Player
mii_gunner icon MF | Tosan_Yu Caster Designer Player Streamer
young_link icon Clade Player
joker icon AHS | Carii Player
cloud icon AHS | Picollo Player
rob icon rilkio Caster Content creator Player Streamer
sephiroth icon aleksz Player
samus icon FRE | Zwirrklop Player
ness icon SC | ozan Player
yoshi icon BAL | Capri Player
hero icon Queen of Whack Player
samus icon Kid_Goku61 Player
greninja icon SG | Lillia Player
sheik icon Fusionfabi08 Player
roy icon RS | Pipo Player
mewtwo icon HS | Sushirolle Player
little_mac icon Ebobab Player
young_link icon lemone Player
mario icon Zenite Player
villager icon GRYER Player
lucina icon Nagl Player
steve icon DBM™ | Shadow Player Team manager
roy icon ImTheAiman Player
mewtwo icon Fanabi Player
rob icon SSP | Longo Player
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