
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
DRC | Lifelink
incineroar icon link icon
Doing okay Some -
rob icon
Doing okay None -
lucas icon ness icon greninja icon
Intermediate None -
terry icon falco icon rob icon
Beginner A lot 30.95 %
pokemon_trainer icon bowser icon cloud icon
Intermediate A little -
zero_suit_samus icon sora icon joker icon
Intermediate None -
kazuya icon cloud icon
Advanced Some -
Ding Dongs | Jodie
robin icon bowser icon greninja icon
Doing okay Some -
cloud icon wolf icon
Intermediate A little 22.22 %
random icon
Doing okay Some 60.0 %
bowser icon king_k_rool icon rob icon
Beginner None -
link icon bayonetta icon cloud icon
Intermediate A lot 14.29 %
mega_man icon mega_man icon mega_man icon
Intermediate Some -
random icon ness icon samus icon
Doing okay None -
ness icon toon_link icon snake icon
Advanced None -
palutena icon marth icon
Advanced Some 33.33 %
peach icon mario icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Advanced A lot -
king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon king_k_rool icon
Advanced A little -
bowser_jr icon bowser icon falco icon
Doing okay None -
sonic icon inkling icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Intermediate Some -
mr_game_and_watch icon palutena icon
Beginner A little -
AR | Iron Link
roy icon corrin icon joker icon
Doing okay None -
pikachu icon young_link icon sora icon
Intermediate A little -
NJ | Syvenia
samus icon palutena icon
Intermediate A lot 6.35 %
ness icon rob icon shulk icon
Beginner None -
BAL | Slushy
terry icon
Beginner None -
shulk icon
Beginner None -
cloud icon sephiroth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
corrin icon
Noob None -
roy icon young_link icon
Doing okay None -
greninja icon luigi icon
Advanced Some -
joker icon lucas icon
Expert None -
roy icon corrin icon
Doing okay A little -
roy icon donkey_kong icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate None -
PPG | Nygel
incineroar icon
Doing okay A little -
dark_pit icon king_k_rool icon king_dedede icon
Advanced Some -
mewtwo icon
Intermediate Some 35.71 %
joker icon luigi icon rob icon
Doing okay A little -
bowser icon
Intermediate A lot -
king_k_rool icon little_mac icon falco icon
Intermediate None -
zero_suit_samus icon daisy icon sephiroth icon
Noob None -
kirby icon fox icon joker icon
Doing okay Some 26.32 %
kazuya icon
Beginner None -
Bbt | chihiro
peach icon bayonetta icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Beginner A little -
FZS | Hamon
ness icon
Otherworldly None -
steve icon kazuya icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Noob None -
bowser icon bowser icon bowser icon
Doing okay None -
lucina icon snake icon
Beginner A little -
captain_falcon icon snake icon kazuya icon
Advanced A lot -
sora icon cloud icon
Doing okay None -
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
incineroar icon DRC | Lifelink 21 Male
seraphim NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male
lucas icon Niktu BY image Bavaria 17 Male
terry icon SyntecTK
pokemon_trainer icon hectorHellio ST image Saxony-Anhalt 18 Male
zero_suit_samus icon KawaiiRaven SH image Schleswig Holstein 20 Male
kazuya icon Katana NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
robin icon Ding Dongs | Jodie NI image Lower Saxony 15 Female
cloud icon 4rne HE image Hesse 17 Male
random icon Cial RP image Rhineland Palatinate 22 Female
bowser icon zLequit HE image Hesse 24 Male
link icon Samu NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male
mega_man icon niclow HB image Bremen 24
random icon Marfi HE image Hesse 19 Male
ness icon SnoopysAttitude NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 23 Male
palutena icon Seto NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male
peach icon Saravin BE image Berlin 21 Male
king_k_rool icon K.Rule34 HE image Hesse 20 Male
bowser_jr icon ue☆Felix SH image Schleswig Holstein 17 Male
sonic icon Meggy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon Magori NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male
roy icon AR | Iron Link HE image Hesse 17 Male
pikachu icon g0nCrazy BE image Berlin 26 Male
samus icon NJ | Syvenia NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Female
ness icon Keanu
terry icon BAL | Slushy NI image Lower Saxony 19 Male
shulk icon Caioeyy HE image Hesse 21 Male
cloud icon Davide BW image Baden-Württemberg 16 Male
corrin icon LagWithJo 24 Male
roy icon AMB | JJB RP image Rhineland Palatinate 19 Male
greninja icon Kerem NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 20 Male
joker icon DerPastor NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
roy icon ayron NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 15 Male
roy icon firefly 20 Male
incineroar icon PPG | Nygel BE image Berlin 19 Male
dark_pit icon 25.01.2007 BW image Baden-Württemberg 17 Male
mewtwo icon Vilhelm BE image Berlin
joker icon Oregano
bowser icon KingKong BE image Berlin Male
king_k_rool icon SirFatiz BE image Berlin 15 Male
zero_suit_samus icon Violicious SH image Schleswig Holstein 34 Other
kirby icon KIRB NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
kazuya icon KinoHime TH image Thuringia 24 Other
peach icon Bbt | chihiro RP image Rhineland Palatinate 16 Female
ness icon FZS | Hamon
steve icon kyr0nix BY image Bavaria 19 Male
bowser icon Miami ST image Saxony-Anhalt 33 Male
lucina icon obitogod RP image Rhineland Palatinate 26 Male
captain_falcon icon Pommi HH image Hamburg 19 Male
sora icon Kjobi MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 20 Male
Gamer tag Roles
incineroar icon DRC | Lifelink Player
seraphim Player
lucas icon Niktu Player
terry icon SyntecTK Player
pokemon_trainer icon hectorHellio Player
zero_suit_samus icon KawaiiRaven Player
kazuya icon Katana Player
robin icon Ding Dongs | Jodie Coach Content creator Player TO
cloud icon 4rne Player
random icon Cial Coach Player
bowser icon zLequit Player
link icon Samu Player
mega_man icon niclow Player
random icon Marfi Designer Player Streamer
ness icon SnoopysAttitude Player
palutena icon Seto Player
peach icon Saravin Player
king_k_rool icon K.Rule34 Content creator Player
bowser_jr icon ue☆Felix Player
sonic icon Meggy Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Magori Player
roy icon AR | Iron Link Player
pikachu icon g0nCrazy Player
samus icon NJ | Syvenia Player
ness icon Keanu Player
terry icon BAL | Slushy Player
shulk icon Caioeyy Player
cloud icon Davide Player
corrin icon LagWithJo Player
roy icon AMB | JJB Player
greninja icon Kerem Player
joker icon DerPastor Player TO
roy icon ayron Player
roy icon firefly Player
incineroar icon PPG | Nygel Player
dark_pit icon 25.01.2007 Player
mewtwo icon Vilhelm Player
joker icon Oregano Player
bowser icon KingKong Player
king_k_rool icon SirFatiz Player
zero_suit_samus icon Violicious Player
kirby icon KIRB Player
kazuya icon KinoHime Player
peach icon Bbt | chihiro Player
ness icon FZS | Hamon Content creator Designer Player Streamer
steve icon kyr0nix Player
bowser icon Miami Player
lucina icon obitogod Player
captain_falcon icon Pommi Player
sora icon Kjobi Designer Player
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