
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
Duc Huy
wario icon lucina icon terry icon
Advanced A large amount 54.17 %
KC | MarvinMP
snake icon
Intermediate A little -
joker icon byleth icon
Intermediate A large amount 57.14 %
Ice | Icefrysa
piranha_plant icon piranha_plant icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A little -
byleth icon palutena icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay A lot 55.7 %
ridley icon mii_brawler icon toon_link icon
Advanced Some -
pichu icon pikachu icon pichu icon
Otherworldly A large amount 62.64 %
AHS | Picollo
cloud icon bowser icon
Intermediate A lot 22.03 %
cloud icon terry icon
Advanced Some 66.67 %
ridley icon pac_man icon
Intermediate A lot -
WAG | Danny
joker icon
Advanced A lot -
king_dedede icon
Intermediate A little 36.36 %
young_link icon rob icon diddy_kong icon
Advanced Some 0.0 %
13! | Jubei's Katze
duck_hunt icon lucario icon roy icon
Advanced Some -
HS | Sushirolle
mewtwo icon olimar icon rosalina_and_luma icon
Doing okay Some -
IB | Dr_Radtke
sephiroth icon cloud icon joker icon
Advanced None -
NJ | Ped
olimar icon
Noob A large amount 37.78 %
CIN | LToon
rob icon rob icon rob icon
Intermediate A little -
AUT | Dobbyfan
kirby icon captain_falcon icon yoshi icon
Otherworldly None -
NDO | Veo
steve icon steve icon steve icon
Intermediate Some 35.0 %
CC | Dty
fox icon byleth icon random icon
Intermediate Some 52.0 %
little_mac icon
Intermediate A lot 51.85 %
robin icon sheik icon chrom icon
Doing okay A little 60.0 %
bayonetta icon
Intermediate A large amount 49.65 %
robin icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Noob Some 25.0 %
börek abi
bowser icon banjo_and_kazooie icon
Doing okay None -
peach icon daisy icon
Doing okay None -
pikachu icon
Noob A lot 40.3 %
wolf icon falco icon
Intermediate A lot 54.39 %
NO | Dr. Mayo
samus icon wolf icon
Intermediate A little -
SG | Lillia
greninja icon
Intermediate A lot 23.08 %
HS | | Karl Marxio
ganondorf icon kazuya icon samus icon
Advanced A little -
GM | GonzoMod
palutena icon zelda icon snake icon
Otherworldly A lot -
SSP | Sansi
yoshi icon bowser_jr icon ridley icon
Expert A large amount 63.89 %
SG | Linotox
mewtwo icon
Advanced A lot 62.5 %
悪玉 | hydrofx
hero icon hero icon hero icon
Advanced A lot 57.14 %
BERG | NickmitdemKopf
samus icon samus icon samus icon
Beginner A lot 3.13 %
VCA | Purple~H
wolf icon donkey_kong icon
Otherworldly A large amount 81.99 %
captain_falcon icon
Expert A large amount 60.04 %
Sfz | Gumbs
snake icon sonic icon
Doing okay Some 66.67 %
Lolli Pop
sonic icon yoshi icon mario icon
Advanced None -
HS | Guili
luigi icon luigi icon luigi icon
Noob None -
bowser_jr icon
Intermediate A lot 47.44 %
TCM | Moik333
wii_fit_trainer icon
Doing okay Some 30.77 %
link icon sheik icon
Intermediate None -
ERN | Spino
mario icon villager icon
Doing okay Some 25.0 %
ERN | S0ul
random icon
Intermediate Some 0.0 %
richter icon terry icon sora icon
Intermediate A lot 48.44 %
PP | Wings
wario icon
Expert A lot 74.65 %
[ND] | Anubeon
corrin icon roy icon pikachu icon
Intermediate A little 9.09 %
Gamer tag Federal state Age Gender Comment
wario icon Duc Huy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 26 Male
snake icon KC | MarvinMP BE image Berlin 24 Male
joker icon Therion HH image Hamburg 25 Male
piranha_plant icon Ice | Icefrysa Ich bin Icefrysa, bin Musiker/Home Producer und Sound Des...
byleth icon Mario BY image Bavaria 24 Male bin der beste
ridley icon Sho MV image Mecklenburg Western Pomerania 19 Male Ich liebe Smash und möchte besser werden und auf Turniere...
pichu icon Komori TH image Thuringia 26 Male
cloud icon AHS | Picollo NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 38 Male AHS Clanhead. Auch Pokemon VGC Turnierspieler.
cloud icon RpcRuphy NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 22 Male @matchmaking @daddeln
ridley icon BingoKing NI image Lower Saxony 27 Male Das Maskottchen Niedersachsens, wenn ihr Lust auf Bier ha...
joker icon WAG | Danny 23 Male
king_dedede icon Manbubies NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 25 Male
young_link icon Tosukey NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
duck_hunt icon 13! | Jubei's Katze NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 36 Male Meow :3
mewtwo icon HS | Sushirolle NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 18 Male 🗿
sephiroth icon IB | Dr_Radtke RP image Rhineland Palatinate 27 Male
olimar icon NJ | Ped RP image Rhineland Palatinate 24 Male Schickt mir Bilder von euren Haustieren, danke
rob icon CIN | LToon NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 19 Male
kirby icon AUT | Dobbyfan BY image Bavaria Male ich heise erty und bin fan von doby,
steve icon NDO | Veo BE image Berlin 21 Male
fox icon CC | Dty NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 17 Male DettyBettyBoom.
little_mac icon Faillord BB image Brandenburg 22 Male Hey, Ich bin Faillord ein Mac main aus Brandenburg der ve...
robin icon RoseAsche NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male
bayonetta icon Magerquark NI image Lower Saxony 26 Male Ricky Racks, I see you! Thugger! YSL for life, bitch Y...
robin icon BlackJack BY image Bavaria 22 Jo freilich bin i a Boar
bowser icon börek abi RP image Rhineland Palatinate 20 Male
peach icon Afrocommie BE image Berlin 23 Male
pikachu icon Chummer BW image Baden-Württemberg 29 Male
wolf icon Fogl NI image Lower Saxony 22 Male Will Offline spielen und wohne am Arsch der Welt. Bitte w...
samus icon NO | Dr. Mayo SN image Saxony 24 Male
greninja icon SG | Lillia SH image Schleswig Holstein 18 Male 💤💤💤
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio BE image Berlin 18 Male Bitte nich gimpen.
palutena icon GM | GonzoMod NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 27 Male Schonmal vorweg: Tuniererfahrung als modder, nicht als s...
yoshi icon SSP | Sansi BY image Bavaria 27 Male Dobby hat Erlaubnis gegeben, bin nun Bayrer hier sapperlo...
mewtwo icon SG | Linotox SH image Schleswig Holstein 20 Male
hero icon 悪玉 | hydrofx RP image Rhineland Palatinate 18 Male best hero main
samus icon BERG | NickmitdemKopf NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 21 Male
wolf icon VCA | Purple~H NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 29 Male
captain_falcon icon DOOM NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male folgt @doomafterhours
snake icon Sfz | Gumbs BW image Baden-Württemberg 30 Male
sonic icon Lolli Pop NW image Northrhine-Westphalia 24 Male Hi :D
luigi icon HS | Guili NI image Lower Saxony 20 Male Joa....
bowser_jr icon Enduro BW image Baden-Württemberg 25 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 BW image Baden-Württemberg 24 Male Ich liebe den Geruch von frisch gemähten Rasen
link icon Illumi HE image Hesse 26 Male Gude
mario icon ERN | Spino BW image Baden-Württemberg 27 Male
random icon ERN | S0ul BW image Baden-Württemberg 26 Male
richter icon Despair SH image Schleswig Holstein 22 Male
wario icon PP | Wings SL image Saarland 19 Male
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon BE image Berlin 22
Gamer tag Roles
wario icon Duc Huy Player
snake icon KC | MarvinMP Player
joker icon Therion Player
piranha_plant icon Ice | Icefrysa Player
byleth icon Mario Player
ridley icon Sho Player
pichu icon Komori Player
cloud icon AHS | Picollo Player
cloud icon RpcRuphy Player
ridley icon BingoKing Player
joker icon WAG | Danny Player
king_dedede icon Manbubies Player
young_link icon Tosukey Player
duck_hunt icon 13! | Jubei's Katze Player
mewtwo icon HS | Sushirolle Player
sephiroth icon IB | Dr_Radtke Player
olimar icon NJ | Ped Player
rob icon CIN | LToon Player
kirby icon AUT | Dobbyfan Player
steve icon NDO | Veo Player
fox icon CC | Dty Player
little_mac icon Faillord Player
robin icon RoseAsche Player
bayonetta icon Magerquark Player
robin icon BlackJack Player
bowser icon börek abi Player
peach icon Afrocommie Player
pikachu icon Chummer Player
wolf icon Fogl Player
samus icon NO | Dr. Mayo Player
greninja icon SG | Lillia Player
ganondorf icon HS | | Karl Marxio Player
palutena icon GM | GonzoMod Player
yoshi icon SSP | Sansi Player
mewtwo icon SG | Linotox Player
hero icon 悪玉 | hydrofx Player Streamer
samus icon BERG | NickmitdemKopf Player
wolf icon VCA | Purple~H Player
captain_falcon icon DOOM Player
snake icon Sfz | Gumbs Player
sonic icon Lolli Pop Player
luigi icon HS | Guili Player
bowser_jr icon Enduro Player
wii_fit_trainer icon TCM | Moik333 Player
link icon Illumi Player
mario icon ERN | Spino Player
random icon ERN | S0ul Designer
richter icon Despair Player
wario icon PP | Wings Player
corrin icon [ND] | Anubeon Player
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